Stephanie Miller covers Pirro on the regular. She ALWAYS sounds like she's blitzed.
Stephanie Miller covers Pirro on the regular. She ALWAYS sounds like she's blitzed.
Lucky you. My business went of a cliff three weeks ago, when all of the stores I sold to closed for the duration. At least half of them won’t survive this, either.
We had one phone, on the wall between the “living room” and the “dining room”. You could sort of stretch the cord to the handset into the kitchen and almost close the door, but basically no privacy.
So COVID19 was released by web designers, to drum up business.
People are looking at me weird for standing in line with three items whilst they have overflowing carts.
Post on Craigslist. Trade some for toilet paper.
I started off with one finger, in a glove, up a girlfriend’s ass, and forty-five minutes and some lube later, was removing my fist from it.
Followed by layoffs in a few months.
Well isn't that just mother fucking spiffy.
Well thanks Captains Buzzkill.
“...good gorunding in science... "?
Now don't you wish you'd had the bidet installed?
Try opening it in incognito mode or a text only browser.
It is still my suspicion that he lost last time because he couldn't grasp that "Fifteen dollars an hour!" wasn't an appropriate response to "How are you going to stop police from killing us in the streets?".
The hurts.
For the smoothest humus, start with chickpea flour.
Well, when I was working in an emergency room, it was a homeless guy covered from the waist down with shit the consistency of pudding.
Oh, this is going to piss off all of the "right" people.