
Because...we should have let hitler take over Europe? 

\☻/ WOOT \☻/

Chill an egg, pack it in sugar cookie dough, and deep fry it in clean oil. 

Numbers 5:11-31

There was something in the news in the ‘80s about a guy in Oregon who claimed he had been walking in a park and four or five guys attacked him and shoved a potato up his ass. At least that was his story, and he was sticking to it.

Some of them would make it mandatory if they could. 

If God wants every fetus to be born, why does he cause so many miscarriages? Why does the old testament give instructions for an abortion? 

For anyone planning on sitting out the election if your favorite candidate does not get the nomination, forget Roe v. Wade. If Trump gets a couple more appointments to the Supreme Court, not only will they overturn that, but they can find for an inherent right to life starting at conception, and ban abortion

“We can’t rent a hotel room to you because your license expired yesterday.”

There was a TV commercial in the ‘70s for I can’t even remember what, with a guy pulling a can off of a supermarket shelf, saying, “Aha! The garbanzo beans!”

If you’re planning to sit out the election if your favorite candidate does not get the nomination, remember, one more republican appointment to the Supreme Court and not only will they overturn Roe v. Wade, but they can find for an inherent right to life starting at conception and outlaw abortion in every state,

Something else that freezes well is clean and slice mushrooms, cook them down, strain off the liquid (save that!), and pack them into an ice cube tray. Two cubes are just the right amount for one serving of lo mein when added to the mixed vegetables, tofu, and noodles. #cookingwhenyoulivealone

It drives me crazy that celery isn’t sold by the pound, so I cannot buy just one stalk.

The Wal-Mart near me took out the self check-out area last year. I'm guessing because too many people put steaks on the scales and punched in the code for bananas. 

And that’s the reason for the Domestic Emoluments Clause. 

He'd cross a street to pick up a quarter off the sidewalk, and you know how much he hates walking. 

He screwed a veteran’s group he supposedly held a benefit for instead of going to one of the debates. Per court order, he can’t run or sit on the board of a charitable organization in New York, and his kids are ordered by the court to attend training on how to run charities.

He stands in front of cameras with a Publisher's Clearing House check. That doesn't prove anything. 

He can be taking the salary, and still claim he can’t release his returns because he’s being audited. 

I want to see the proof that he's refusing his salary. There's no way that cheap, broke ass cheat is passing up $400,000 a year.