Twenty year vegetarian here.
Twenty year vegetarian here.
How can you tell when a cop's lying?
Blue lives fatter!
Is the judge up for re-election, and in need of the police union endorsement?
Gotta love the Professional Word Users™ that write on here.
Be interesting to know who's shorting the market for him.
What was the painting of?
“The evacuation plane"?
“Thanks, dad!" ~ the Trump kids when Mar-a-Lardo becomes worthless due to climate change
Yay. 140 character tweets are back.
Sorry, but all of my thoughts and prayers are directed to Derp Furor choking on his own vomit.
The desire to keep my meals down.
Oh, gurl, you should've known not to dish on his fantasy side piece.
“Monkey King"?
“Monkey King"?
An old friend did the indoor kiddie pool as a standard thing, and couldn’t understand why I only visited him at home one time.
Hopefully, Sanders. Let his acolytes get their moping out of the way before it can do any damage.
“If Bernie doesn't get the nomination, I'm going to stay home, and I don't care if Donald Trump is reelected!"
I hear people (on a couple’f particular podcasts) whinge about “bad flag design”. Ya know what? I’m not going to need to identify a city or state flag across a battlefield, and I’ll just assume whatever flag’s flying over government buildings belong to those entities.