
Yeah, I had a baseball t-shirt custom screen-printed with the number “420" because my sister’s friend had one with “13" on the back in different colors.

Here’s the thing, man. My brother and I have Cystic Fibrosis. My brother in particular on lhas about 35% lung function. Which means only a third of his lungs work, the rest is clogged with mucus and permanently damage with scar tissue. He can wear a mask all day, and he. Is. Fine. Yeah, they can make you feel short of

Maybe my reading comprehension is awful, but I don’t see anything in that quote about asking for consent. It just says that Gaga told him she sexualizes her acting partners, he apparently didn’t know what that meant, and then she kicked him, got on him and started riding him. He certainly makes it sounds like the

Build ships in non-US shipyards? Fuck you!

So edgy.

Don’t you understand that if we simply avoid mentioning Joe Biden’s horrific record and absolute lack of appeal to anyone under 45, those issues will simply go away in time for a general election?

Elizabeth Warren Exists

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, an evil, pumpkin-colored king named Dottard Grump ruled the land.

Does no one here fault the morality of the buyer?!? Jesus H - its like Tom is completely absolving the buyer of any fault, here. Nobody held a gun to the buyer’s head and said “sign here”. This speaks more to the “I deserve a new car” mentality of people than it does to the sales tactics of a car dealer. Dealers are

While on paper that is great because fuck private medical insurance companies, there are also a lot of people that work for those companies that would be out of a job.

Sure I guess if he’s not your style of music (nor mine tbh) but culturally within music he was/is highly relevant to the point that he’s considered by most to be one of the greatest rappers ever.

I’m sure you’re a blast on Pitchfork.

Jez just channeling a Karen

...his latest album entered at #1 on Billboard not even 3 weeks ago. If he’s irrelevant at 47 then Jay Z must be a forgotten relic at 50.

The whole “minivans are uncool” thing is ridiculous on it’s face. You ceased being a cool person when you had kids, buying a tarted up wagon with plastic wheel arches isn’t going to fool anyone. Just get the damn minivan, it’s the best tool for the job.

As much as Ford and Chevy would like to believe otherwise, for utilitarian cars they’re still plagued with quality issues you don’t see in Japanese cars. I don’t get it. It’s almost as if they were run by a mindless board that only wants to maximize profit for as long as they can while under-investing in R&D and

200 more Pokemon being added in a $30 expansion pass.

They took them out, to resell them to us.

What a time to be alive.

And I like TLJ! But still!

If someone orders steak well done, they actually don't like steak.

I think what a lot of people don’t get is that the restaurant biz bitching about well done steaks isn’t 100% to do with it just being wrong to cook a steak that way. Or it ruining the steak. Its not a judgement on a customers personal tastes.

Sure preparing that cut that way isn’t doing to meat any favors. And