Oof, this one hit close to home. You don’t have to yell in my ear like that!
Oof, this one hit close to home. You don’t have to yell in my ear like that!
Did somebody say my name?
Or an angry mob of “protesters” is threatening to pull you out of the vehicle and you need to get the fuck out. Ceding control to the car is a slippery slope that I don’t want any part of.
This brand of feminism is some crazy shit
Thank you for the dose of science, I hate the cholesterol myth perpetuated in society. I try to get a half hour of cardio per day, consume calories at maintenance levels, and if I want eggs and bacon I’m going to have them, fuck you mom.
I love you, man. Never stop. When I get rich on one of these inventions I’m going to funnel my cash into nothing but whale penis leather seating.
So those are sex toy controllers... right?
My local liquor store is stuffed with these too and I need to finish off their rack of nippers just to get to the vodkas without punting one of these creepy fuckers.
THANK YOU. I thought I was alone in hearing this on the CBC stream and entering a whirlwind of confusion.
Did my internship as an engineer at a similar plant in Upstate NY making off-brand butt sandpaper and firm vomit soaking papers. Can confirm size claims, the days that everything shut down and the operators rappelled into the mill to do maintenance were a hoot. And blowdown days too, good times.
When my girlfriend and I saw the Bug at ESPR a few years back, these were basically exactly her words when we heard it start up. Keep on keeping on, Raph.
Woah friend, 2015+ 200s are pretty great. I just got my girlfriend into one and the interior punches way above its weight. The 2.4L tigershark is decidedly not bad and the ZF transmission is not annoying. Everything else though, yes.
Our marketing team is always asking me to design shit like this into our new products, it’s maddening. Engineers don’t really handle anything outside of the “sell the best product at the lowest price” sales strategy.
I’ve sat at my desk for the last 3 hours spinning solidworks models and shitposting on Gawker and I’ve done 5 things more objectionable than stroking someone’s ego with Magnums.
I... I... I can’t hate him.
Tyler, please tell me they pay you more than the moron at Gawker who threw up a half copied CNN article onto their keyboard and attached it to a picture of a German cop? I actually learned new things here. Keep on fighting the good fight, Brother.