
‘GameMill’, how appropriate.

Ever since Prodigy was canceled, the people in the know have hinted that it was almost a foregone conclusion that someone would pick it up, but it’s a relief that it’s finally official. 

Abruptly, Loki warps back to his timeline, and realizes that a side effect of being at the end of time when it was broken means he’s being sucked into multiple timelines at random, and seeing things happening in both parallel dimensions and in the future.”

Writers’ strike probably contributed to the delay.

This is an incredibly entertaining trainwreck.

Down by the river in a van 

They’re now claiming they can finally start using NFTs for their intended purpose, which is...something something contract or signature authentication or something something I dunno. It’s alluded to in this article. There is apparently some magical valuable “use” for NFTs beyond just overcharging people for a

A good and expected result.  Now can we never talk about them again?

I would drop Max if they raised prices. The app has become borderline unusable since the update, just from a technical perspective, and the flood of garbage reality shows that get pushed to me when I do open the app now is actively making me use it less often. Were it not for the HBO and TCM content I would have

Why yes, execs have been on a free ride for too long and need to go...

Yeah I agree, unlikely is innaccurate.

Netflix hasn’t paid out for streaming the mid-aughts megahit

Just because they were finished doesn’t mean the asshats at HBO wouldn’t just scrap them anyway. I mean, they clearly won’t now, but if you told me that a week ago I wouldn’t be surprised.

Somehow Musk continues to impress me with how stupid he is. Kind of like the orange menace, he’ll do something that I think is just the dumbest thing he could possibly do but then he’ll go do something even dumber. I bailed on Twitter the day he took over.

to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.

As someone pointed out on Twitter last month, the AMPTP underestimated the strikers because they assume that writers and actors will return to the table once they realize their “cushy lifestyles” are in jeopardy.

He’ll need to buy an eXtra amount of horses most likely.


he’s renamed conference rooms to “eXposure,” “eXult” and “s3Xy,”

I think we can all just start agreeing he’s an idiot now. No conspiracy theories, no ‘grand plan.’ Just a fool and his money, quickly parting