
Ya, maybe a small metal stick, with unique profile that only matches a special hole on the car. You could carry it in your pocket, just in case.

The key to developing such a system is to have an open mind. 

If only someone would invent switches to control things.

Dead 12V battery AND a borked window?

If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...

I really need to start requesting thank you gifts from my friends and family that access my media server...

If there’s evidence that indicates otherwise, I’m unaware of it. 

It tastes too much like the insides of a cow.

I grew up in the Midwest, and a lot of my uncles were farmers, so I drank my share of raw milk as a kid, right out of the bulk tank.

That was a great ep and it’s a great season so far. Hopefully the quality of the show doesn’t get hit with the reshoots they did to make it a final season.

I just noticed that Musk didn’t say August 8, he said 8/8. Just in case anyone had any doubts that he’s a white supremacist.

Coincidentally, I created a meme four years ago today during the pandemic whilst we were in the midst of a nationwide TP shortage...

If that's the case, why not take your money out and move it elsewhere? Protects your investment and hurts them

“We’d love to cooperate with your investigation, but unfortunately our dog ate all the evidence.” -Boeing

Can’t really say I’m surprised. Rooster Teeth have been in zombie mode since 2019/20 when all their skeletons got dragged out of the closet. It was only a matter of time before they closed, but it’s a shame that WB gets a tax write-off for doing it.

I think Blade Runner can be groundbreaking, and 2049 can still be a better film. I'm not sure I agree that it is, but I don't think those are mutually exclusive ideas.

How interesting. They laid off 800 people last March so they could restructure and focus on the right projects https://kotaku.com/ea-layoffs-jobs-andrew-wilson-profits-electronic-arts-1850281078. I’m sure this time the restructuring will work and that it has nothing to do with giving more money to execs or stock

Sure, as soon as you give people access to edit post and monetize their tweets without having to sign up for Twitter premium.

He does the same process with his cars though.