
I remember when people complained about that Godzilla movie with Bryan Cranston and how it had too many humans and meandering plot and not enough kaiju action, and “WE JUST WANT DUMB ACTION MOVIE WITH GIANT KAIJU FIGHTING” and here we’ve gotten it and people complain about that.

Love that we live in a world now where there are things like this that I almost can't tell if it's satire or not. Beautiful 

It is fascinating watching one groomer /pedo call out another one for the same behavior

Yes. But on another planet! With MUCH different conditions than here on Earth.


And I came here to make it. Thank you for your service 

I'm still mad that this show got canceled. Quickly became one of my top favorite shows 

Yeah same. This reminds me of that recent article Kotaku published about the ROMsite that got a CND/suit from Nintendo, and the dude who ran the site was charging for premium access for shit he just stole. Not exactly what this is, but it just bears some resemblance

Some of his art style reminds me of Arkane’s Dishonored series

Goddamn he’s such a whiny, petulant crybaby

I’ve done a number of times with cold ginger ale and root beer straight out of the bottle, and a few of those in under a minute and maybe a little drunk or hungover. Those burps were incredibly satisfying tbh

Oh I know, but alas a fan boy can dream

Jonathan Majors. 

Our initial responses to the issues we face together, and to your concerns, were, quite frankly, tone deaf.”

I always really enjoyed your posts and I’m gonna miss you here on io9. Best of luck with your new job at GDC!


God I fucking miss Anthony Bourdain. 

God it’s so bad. Even worse than the rest of G/O Media, and that’s saying something. The format is terrible. Every other site I just default to “Latest" but you either just can't do that, or if you can, it's fucking broken