Love that we live in a world now where there are things like this that I almost can't tell if it's satire or not. Beautiful
Love that we live in a world now where there are things like this that I almost can't tell if it's satire or not. Beautiful
Some of his art style reminds me of Arkane’s Dishonored series
I’ve done a number of times with cold ginger ale and root beer straight out of the bottle, and a few of those in under a minute and maybe a little drunk or hungover. Those burps were incredibly satisfying tbh
“Our initial responses to the issues we face together, and to your concerns, were, quite frankly, tone deaf.”
God I fucking miss Anthony Bourdain.
This was me lol. It sat forever on my XboneS, having only barely started on the 2nd chapter. After it was announced that it was leaving GP, I loaded it back up in the last few days and ended up beating it yesterday.
I wish the OG Xbox version of Stranger's Wrath was BC on XB1. I still have my copy
This came out on Game Pass over a year ago, which is an impressive stay for a game on Game Pass.
It's interesting that while Nintendo will always be Nintendo in the game of console wars, they are playing with MS since the game has been changing
Zach has been like this since his season 2 recaps and it’s annoying. I come here to see what grade he’s given the episode, and then go to io9 read their recap
I think that's where they headed since Game Pass is their future
I had this game for the PS4 back when it came out in 2015, though I really couldn’t get into it. Fast forward to this past January, and I had COVID, I got around to finally and really play it on the Xbox. Sunk about 90 hours into the base game and DLC over the course of a week and some change since corona had me…
Came here to say What Remains of Edith Fitch
Came here to say What Remains of Edith Fitch
Good fucken lord. Props to her!
It was a technical marvel of a game on the PS4. The gameplay was good imo but the story was okay and it was ridiculously short
These are the same type of people who will scream from the skyscrapers about being pro-life, but will give up on a kid with mental disabilities or of color because they can’t handle the responsibilities.
Coffee Talk is so so so good, and I highly recommend it. The soundtrack is incredible and I would just lean back in my chair, headphones on, and just listen to it mix with the rain sounds
I’m very much glad to see that not only does Disney+ have Can of Worms, but that y’all included it in your list. It’s one of my absolute favorite childhood movies and it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to find it. I ended up buying it on YouTube as I haven’t yet subbed to D+.