
Me too :(

I’m proud of you, prism!

I liked it too :-/

You two are incredible

Christ, has it really been 10 years? I remember when I used to browse the site when I worked at Sears, back when i09 first launched.


Decades away? I know he starred in the series finale of Enterprise, but didn’t he also direct an episode or two?

I was thinking the same thing, following the massive success of the Wii and all the shitty ports and games that came out, but I think Nintendo has probably learned from that.

Hello, I am here, friend.

Diddy Kong Racing was my shit. I sunk so many hours into that game. NINTENDO PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN

4/20.... hehe nice.

you seem nice!

Fuck Logan Paul

For those that haven’t tried TT’s Batman series, definitely grab it! I have it for the Xbone and it’s really good

S8/S8+ (i own the plus) has an absolutely fantastic camera

The only reason why I’ve had to go to the command line for Plex in Linux, was to fix the permissions issue in order for the server to recognize other folders/ext HDD. Everything else, I’ve done through the Plex UI

Does this also include the ones under the Video app sections?

It’s zero.