

Came to say the same about how the players value winning than money. Good post

Thanks, SafetyCynthia!!

Forever in love

Happy birthday, bud

For a brief moment, I thought Easter was the bunny behind the ice cream truck being flipped over

I’m really hoping Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath will work. I still have my original copy

I’m in love.

We get it, you don’t vape

Lego Island was, and will always be, one of my top 3 three PC moments in life

Nah it wasn’t bad

Man, I didn’t know you crossposted from BGR

Thank fuck!

This is probably my favorite version of the “meme”. Even though it’s lowbrow

I too would like to know this. Out of curiosity

I still have my TI-83 Silver that I found in 11th grade. I self-taught myself to code formulas in math classes cause I was lazy and didn’t want to do the work, and also made games and programs. Tried to make a texting app but the only thing that stopped me was getting two calculators to talk back and forth through the

Stellar Cheeseball Who Rejects the Name Mooney McMoonface

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Bungie say before that D2 wasn’t going to be anything like D1???