
Oh wow, it’s actually real.

Saw this review on the Urbane Luxe watch if anyone was interested in it:

Saw this review on the Urbane Luxe watch if anyone was interested in it:

I fucking loved this game when it first came out. Recently bought Quantum Break for my new XboneS and it included a copy of AW. Good thing I already redeemed and downloaded it!

I’m a self admitted pirate (haven’t pirated games in years, tho) and I fully support this guys’ decision to with what he created as he wants.

Thank you so much for sharing such a deeply personal story with us, man. I’m glad to know she’s getting better

Forfuckingreal. It’s incredible how great the show is now considering how it was when it started simply as filler for the movies

Excellent news: Although it’s not quite official yet, Deadline reports the show has been renewed for a fifth season.


Holy hell at Medusa. The wig looks so fake

Dude comes across as kinda obnoxious and annoying but good for him on his achievement

I skipped around the video and caught at one point that the world leader is at 101 rounds and that you can keep using this strat till about the 90s

I fucking love Mark Hamill

Came to post this, too! I did a double take when I first saw him but remembered he did do a featurette about the sets and iirc the science behind the show

Gracias, good sir! Playlist has been updated

Oh my god.

Thanks, Shep!

Thanks, Shep!

I wish I had never seen this. Goddamn it.

I believe in you, kiddo