
Yeah Abrams once said he would have preferred to do Star Wars more than Star Trek cause it suits him better

different roles/genres/etc

This is all Ultron's doing.

brb gonna figure out a successful buggering handstand

“i’ll just make a comment about as useless as the person above me that I think is useless and then comment about how useless it is with a useless comment.”

This turns me on so much omg

This is kinda how i felt tbh

This will be nice to use when I’m trying to avoid spoilers for popular TV shows but still want to message people/browse/etc

It is for the average consumer

A set of 150 year old science books I got from a Salvation Army store a few years back

Holy shit I forgot that D Hutchinson played him.

Jesus fuck that video was cornier than a dad joke

gawker being gawker

of course it's from fucking Australia

this is #triggering me

Haven't read the article yet, but I always enjoyed reading similar things like this or sometimes watching YouTube videos over actually playing the game. Could never get into it

I got tired of Themer after awhile and went back to Nova. Stripped it way way way WAY down. Double tap the home button to bring up the app drawer, double tap the main part of the screen for settings, swipe down for notifications, two swipes up brings forth Nova Settings. imo this would go well with Android Wear.

Imma let you finish but going off just the title of the article, no. Just. No.