
Looks like my Chromebook.

May 1st needs to hurry the fuck up and get here.

Totally just bought the 250 ct pack of super bouncy balls. Now all I need is Gatling gun that'll shoot them and the world will fear me

Totally just bought the 250 ct pack of super bouncy balls. Now all I need is Gatling gun that'll shoot them and the

This image of blood vessel cells stained for identification is a stunning reminder:

My biggest issue with it thus far, judging from the kickstarter video, is the UI. It just seems so "kiddie".

Would totally watch a full movie of this. Love the Beek

Sounds like my ex-wife

Now playing

This was posted on io9 a while back but it totally jumpstarted my wanting a reboot of TLS

While I can see that, I'm of the volition to cut them a little slack just because it's something that io9 has put a lot into. imo

I read his review when deciding which "totally expensive but worth it for the money" pair of headphones I should, and while they may not be the most comfortable long-term, I have a big and strong head ;). I agree with you on the design aspects; definitely digging what they came up.

Alan, I'm digging your workspace and how you work. Definitely adding to my current list of ideas.

The deal for Tiny Bang Story isn't working. Still shows it as $2.99

The deal for Tiny Bang Story isn't working. Still shows it as $2.99

You sound warped and overgeneralizing the people that are in there, for only a few reasons.

Is all I can think about when using these

I know io9 knows of my support but I hope continued exposure gets you guys more webseries and more (+and more but that's a different story). Keep it up

I love you for this

So say we all.

The little kid in me snickered.

Is this the simulation that was done to show how it would look like when the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies eventually collide? Cause that shit looks familiar