
I feel like this show is a markedly huge improvement on season 1. Even if they throw in handjobs and cosmic heroin. I'm down with it

Without clicking the link, I'm gonna ask this, does it have last.fm scrobbling? I fucking love n7 player. By far my favorite Android music player

This playlist is the reason why I finally signed up for Spotify. Thanks for this, Katharine

This happens to me a lot but I don't wake up till way later.

You should try one out, imo. For what it does, it does REALLY well. Not to mention that you can sideload Ubuntu onto it and easily switch between the two.

Just made my Chromebook even better

Ugh! I wish I knew this was the Book of the Month cause I just picked it up yesterday. So stoked to read it after I finish Leviathans of Jupiter

Technically a two parter, but Star Trek Voyager's Year of Hell should have been the whole series.

RIP everyone in the Andromeda Galaxy

I've always loved his artwork once I became acquainted with it in Old Man's War a few years ago. He's so good

yeah but the design of them from that period is a lot different compared to now.

The refrigerator looks new but that's just me nitpicking

I actually have something written that could somewhat easily tweaked for this idea. Hmmmmm

Is immediately what I thought of.

oh man, this is one of my all-time favorite childhood movies. Here's to hoping they don't fuck it up.

I haven't read past the first 2 or 3 paragraphs, but this episode reminded me a lot of Fringe's Mannequin episode. At least the killing/organs part

My little bro just got me Leviathans of Jupiter by Ben Bova for my birthday, but I'm also reading The Unincorporated Man. OH, and The Martian by Andy Weir

This reminds me of the 24 hour youtube video of engine sounds from Star Trek TNG. And I LOVED that. So here's to hoping this is sick.