
They should've stuck with the alternate instead of the bullshit was in the theatrical release

They don't need no stinkin' reason

The clone idea sounds so fucking stupid

Fuck yeah! Such a good book

It's like she has fast forward permanently enabled

This is exactly how I felt. Looks kickass but sucks so hard

I actually picked this book up last week and finished yesterday. To be honest, I judged it by John Harris' phenomenonal artwork and John Scalzi's total approval of it. I fucking love this book and aside from being impatient about wanting to read Ancillary Sword, the only other thing I could want is some sort of

I work for Charter Communications and tbh, I both really enjoy my job and their services. Not to mention that I get their 100meg for super freaking cheap. They've done a lot in the past couple of years to make their services affordable and decent. Can't stand TWC or Comcast

Not really cluttered. Just rainmeter and what have you. Last time it was cluttered with icons was several years ago

Definitely liked this episode, and Season 3 so far in general, but has anyone else noticed that Matt is Falling Skies' version of Carl from The Walking Dead? Except way better at the role

Did anyone else think that the giant Hellbug in the mines looked like a bigass Metroid?

Depending on if Google is channeling Apple with Glass, I think we may not have to worry about that. Hard to say right now since they've been mum, but it would go against their current open source philosophy. Unless it only really deals with security updates

Defiance isn't set in "the far, far future". It's set 30 years in the future lol

That puppy was the only reason why I have the MyGlass app right now lol. and like one reviewer said, "to be a MyGlass hipster"

I actually like Nolan a lot. The poker scene at NeedWant was great. I'm about halfway through the pilot, and aside from some assorted musings, I'm enjoying it

i just went here to grab it: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hotspotshield.android.vpn&feature=nav_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDNd

Running the JellyBeer4 ROM for the Galaxy Nexus with Go Launcher EX, UCCW and various custom icons

I like how it's available for my Galaxy Tab 10.1 but not my Galaxy Nexus lol

Infinity sounds a lot like Farscape. But I'm totally interested in almost all of these