So you think she's lying?
So you think she's lying?
.. seriously? The fuck is YOUR problem?
A big issue with the seriously mentally ill is that they DON'T want help, but they desperately need it. That's the thing about being crazy. When you're crazy, you don't realize that you're crazy, because it all makes sense to you. Because you're crazy.
Girl Please. This baby could very well be a Queen.
That's to weed out the ones who aren't observant enough to catch it. You don't want nothin' to do with those unobservant girls anyhow.
I imagine that Hillary has invited Huma over for cocktails after this mess and she'll make her feel better by saying something like, "OMG, can you imagine if cell phone cameras existed in the 90s?! Thank God for small favors, amirite?!" And then they'll laugh and laugh and keep working on Hillary's 2016 campaign plan.
My mistake for giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming someone who spoke so flippantly and unempathetically about someone seriously suffering and having their severe breakdown be made into entertainment was merely speaking out of ignorance. That really just makes it worse.
I know that sounds simple, but that's because you're not suffering from a serious mental illness and you don't know how you'd act if you did. I have a mentally ill immediate family member and I know common sense and logic do not work when it comes to convincing them they need help.
I'm guessing that Bynes has been called ugly A LOT for years on the internet and that factored into her mental break (along with lots of other shit, I'm sure). She's not just an insecure person, she's seriously ill.
Hey, don't blame these guys. They're obviously suffering from Low-T right now and are thus completely unable to control themselves because HORMONES.
But they don't pay random people off the street to speak at Yale.
Go hang out with the OP then, you can crash your cars together. There is a time and a place for driving fast, and on a public road in uncontrolled conditions is not it. We need to drive safely precisely because there are idiots like you out there on the roads. It doesn't matter how great a driver I am or how aware of…
In California, where I live, if you're caught street racing they crush your car, in front of you...
Howard is what really got to me. He had to talk Candice down, even though she was right to be pissed, when he was highly offended himself. I bet he's a hellava youth counselor. And Helen is smarter than those 3 idiots combined. AND THEY DON'T THINK THEY ARE RACIST. Yep, again, we are in a post-racial society. …
I love how nobody seems to get what this means.
Not to get racial, but a lot of these execs are coming from homes where drinking is normalised and then they go to college and enter mostly white frats and drink a bunch. I don't want to say that white people are all alcoholics, but it does seem like something that activists in the white community might want to focus…
pretty sure "9.8% more likely" means "every single boy."
You understand how studies work, right?
Maybe I just bristled at the "I'd take these problems over constantly getting looked over..." which suggested to me that you were saying the single woman's problems were less problematic than the mother's.
Of course he was walked afterwards. You've never heard of moth strikes have you?
SERIOUSLY. I usually think Anne is pretty on point with a lot of stuff but what IS it with this? She's made the whole situation so much worse!