
What reputation is he trying to regain?

We know what he would have done because we watched him do it and it sucked.

“If you’re going to sell your body for money, you just don’t have a reputation. I may be old fashioned, I dunno.”

“The photos represented how African Americans were once wrongfully portrayed in entertainment.”

Did you miss the part about the March for Life?

Honestly, every time one of the screens went black I was thinking there’s no way that camera is actually off, they just don’t want us to see the producers doing what reality tv producers do. I’m not going to defend Arie, but it would have been much more enlightening and valuable to see the truly unedited footage.

It’s not promoting censorship to say Netflix should voluntarily pull a harmful show from their lineup. I would have eaten this up in the worst way when I was a tween.

I think if he didn’t *look* passing, he’d have a very different life experience and a different perspective.

I’m sure if he heard people speaking danish he’d react in the exact same way.

where is hannity in the lineup?

Yeah, I was 100% with her until we found out her Grammy speech was about the exact aspect of his lyrics that she gave explicit approval of. She even said “it’s kind of a compliment”. I wouldn’t have said that but she did. If she regretted giving her approval, felt the word “bitch” made all the difference, she could

On the other hand, he sometimes cried and he loved dogs.

Buildings =/= monuments

He’s definitely not currently a geologist, his degree is 34 years old and it’s readily obvious that he hasn’t kept up with advancements in the field. He uses the “I’m a geologist” line to prop up claims that 100% do not line up with the current understandings of geology and that actual geologists dispute based on

Has this guy never heard the phrase “preventative health care”...... which is a type of health care?

He is brainwashing his kids to unquestioningly give deference to people in power based on their title.

Always buy Newman’s Own when it’s an option. It’s good food, all the profits go to charity and you get to stare at Paul’s face.

That needs to be the tagline of a reboot of an old tv show on Logo or something.

Then why are they trying to control the conversation if it supposedly has nothing to do with them?