Her choice of mug and her choice to take a picture holding that mug make it completely fair game.
Her choice of mug and her choice to take a picture holding that mug make it completely fair game.
To live. Or visit someone or see a specific event I guess. It’s not really a vacation city from my perspective. It’s been called Black Mecca but I don’t think that’s in reference to tourist appeal.
As someone who frequently gets migraines, I’d love to be able to wear sunglasses indoors without feeling like I need to produce a fucking doctor’s note for people to not give me ridiculous looks.
Correction, we sometimes say Hotlanta ironically to make ourselves look lame.
Okay, this is actually in the suburbs but ATL is very sprawly so I think it counts. Duluth, GA is know as the Seoul of the South, it’s the American capital of Korean barbecue, one of the greatest cuisines in existence. Breakers is supposed to be the best, I haven’t been there though. Iron Age is a good starter place…
Do not ever try Chik-fil-a coffee, it is as disgusting as their chicken biscuits are heavenly.
Can we please please stop bringing up men’s marital status like that’s some sort of barometer? It gives me the creeps every time I see someone do that.
Can we also talk about that gross SNL sketch he did that was basically about how unfair the #metoo movement is to poor harmless white dudes? Pretty obvious he knew he had a reckoning coming. Shame on SNL for going along with that
I’m pretty sure not everyone wore pins so unless you can point to a Jez article bashing people for not wearing pins they didn’t understand that’s obviously not a valid point.
You guys must be mistaken. According to his apology, the suicide video is the only mistake he’s ever made in his life and apologizing is really hard for him because he’s never done anything wrong in his life before ever. Y’all wouldn’t understand, you probably make mistakes all the time. Poor Logan bears the curse of…
The media is allowed to see the president all the time. It’s not a security concern all of a sudden exclusively when he’s on the green.
I would love to see men who consider themselves allies to show up and actually literally be silent to let women speak for one night of their lives. Any other kind of “silent protest” on this topic is in very poor taste IMO.
I think a lot of people justify turning a blind eye to things by telling themselves they don’t ever really “know” anything they didn’t witness first hand.
How does the joke he made not make it 100% clear that he knew what he was doing and that it was wrong. The excuse from his camp is that he does this (quite regularly apparently and exclusively to women) to “put people at ease”. That is utter nonsense. He’s lucid enough to have a clear pattern of behavior: he knows…
The way you keep bringing up the brain drain in comparison to the current disaster makes in sound like you don’t know what a brain drain is. No sane person who knew what that means would get on an edgelord high horse about people responding differently to millions not having access to safe drinking water than they did…
Further evidence that the NFL is actively trying to bore me to death
Clooney seems to have plenty of male friends.
I mean, I was hesitant to see it because I kept remembering how rapey Harrison Ford got at the end of Blade Runner and how it was presented like it was supposed to be romantic or sexy.
Oh that’s cool! I don’t watch This Is Us, but I loooooove him as Paper Boi. I think he has the same issue as Paper Boi, people look at him and think they know who he is and because he’s sooooo good in that role people assume he’s not really acting, that Paper Boi is just who he is. But he put so many layers into Paper…