
Seriously, oh my god at that quote. I never thought he was funny but I didn’t know enough about him to dislike him until now. What a fucking asshole, probably thinks he’s so great for saying that.

I love Donald Glover so much it’s ridiculous. So happy for him. That being said, Brian Tyree Henry not at least being nominated for an Emmy is a travesty.

I’m happy for Meghan. She’s engaged to such an insufferable brat on Suits. (They might be married by now, I stopped watching because he’s the main character and The Worst). I hope she guest stars on Gina Torres’ spin-off!

Do not give Swift points for donating if you’re going to declare that katy’s support of Clinton was only for media points like you’re the authority. Swift’s donation is much more suspect since a) that’s chump change for her especially compared to giving a huge amount of your time to support a cause like Katy did and

If you can watch Taylor Swift give that faux-empowering poor little old me speech telling girls that big mean bullies are going to try to take credit for their success, then listen to her give crystal clear permission to Kanye to say that he made her famous, a conversation she denied happened at all, and somehow still

I’m 28 years old so people throwing her age out as a defense always grates on me and infantilizes me and other women my age. She’s a fully grown woman not a middle schooler and has been for a very long time. Don’t brush her petty vindictiveness under the rug by infantilizing her. It’s been her trademark since she

when you say “goofy on purpose” do you mean bad on purpose? I haven’t seen anyone say that it’s too goofy or silly, just that it’s badly made/boring/has a terrible, uncatchy chorus. Like, how are people being “played” by not liking a song? I just can’t see how you can say that unless you’d be willing to say that no

how does that not apply to gif? It’s a word, I use it as one frequently. There has never been a rule about pronouncing acronyms the same way as the original words. People just pulled that out of thin air for this one thing. We pronounce acronyms in the way that makes them easiest to say and makes them sound like real

How do you pronounce scuba? SKOO-buh I have never heard anyone in my life pronounce the u in scuba like the u in underwater including people who insist that for some reason the g in gif has to be pronounced the same as the g in graphics. Acronyms have never worked that way. Why are people suddenly trying to force them


You’re responding to a lot of imagined things that I didn’t say or even remotely touch on. Saying “I’m just playing devil’s advocate” especially when you’re arguing something you genuinely believe and/or taking the side of the status quo is the same kind of disingenuous bullshit as using the perennial troll favorite

People shouldn’t try to cowardly shield themselves from criticism by claiming they’re “just playing devil’s advocate” when a) they clearly believe what they’re saying so they’re not “playing” at anything and/or b) they’re not putting forth any unpopular/renegade or new ideas which is what it’s supposed to mean. Saying

People who claim to be playing “devil’s advocate” are almost always playing status quo advocate in reality.

You absolutely are. There was literally no need to say it twice in that sentence unless you really wanted to. And stop pretending you’re “just curious” and genuinely trying to understand why some people think something is wrong if you admit you’ve already decided you don’t care what they think or how it affects others

Man you are just really going out of your way to say it as many times as possible when it would be so easy to just say n-word for this conversation as a show of good faith if this really is an honest attempt to understand other’s sensitivity as you say it is.

Well no ones ever discussed this topic before. Posting a question in a Jezebel comments section that goes out of it of its way to not censor the word is the only poedible way to gain better understanding.

As evidence against the accused, the indictment cites dubious “overt acts” including some protesters’ decision to bring “goggles to eliminate or mitigate the effectiveness of crowd control measures that might be used by law enforcement”

I kinda stopped watching because EVERYTHING was so definitive and specific and ridiculously accurate. I don’t think it helps us to give this impression that behavioral science/profiling is this incredible superpower. It’s so so much more hit and miss and real life when they try to apply this stuff to specific unsolved

Obnoxious bullshit is the best case scenario with Gwyneth. Better than her coming out with a new way for women to pay her exorbitant amounts of money for the privilege of harming themselves.