
Important addendum: Gwyneth Paltrow is a fucking opportunistic snake and bad for women/humans.

Gwyneth is totally right! If a man was selling insanely expensive junk science and telling me to put rocks in my vagina I’d be throwing my money at him and have a goddamn landslide in my cooter right now!

FYI it’s pretty obvious from your username that you’re Sean Spicer.

I’m sure they were terrified. If the guy was still on the loose they would have been sitting ducks.

I don’t think the article made it clear that the story is that he did this to *protect* sources. At first I thought they were saying he felt it didn’t matter because no one would be able to call him out for acting on bad info without burning *their own* sources.

Oh my gosh this is so long for a response that ignores that the commenter I was replying to was saying what Katy Perry did was wrong even if things happened the way Perry said they did. I think it’s pretty clear that they did get the contingency in their contracts in Perry’s telling even if she didn’t think she needed

Obviously, yeah no one concretely knows what happened, but the commenter I was replying to was saying what Katy Perry did was wrong even if things happened the way Perry said they did. I think that’s messed up and reflects a mindset that expects some romanticized, disfigured notion of “loyalty” from contractors. Being

You literally said “even if they put a contingency in their contract” in your original comment. 

Hey no one forced them to give them a contract that allowed them to give 30 days notice to leave. It’s super messed up to give them that and then expect them not to use it. Sounds like Taylor was trying to own/control her contractors well beyond the legal scope of their contracts. They’re free people and it sounds

He’s not being bullied and he’s not the victim he seems to think he is. His style of comedy has always been so toothless and broad, favoring mildly amusing a lot of people over really entertaining a few less people. He’s just confused because he can’t get that as wide a spectrum as he’s used to when so many people

“I don’t want to be bullied into alienating some of the products I’m trying to sell to advertisers.”

Well now I really don’t know what she does for a living.

People are saying she should run for senate but I’m from her home state and I’m selfish. I want a Sally Yates/Stacey Abrams ticket for Governor and Lt. Governor of Georgia!

No water or no *running* water. One could be bad for even a short time and the other is camping when you expected glamping.

My understanding was that those kind of deals are not binding. They’re almost always honored to maintain the good faith necessary for the state to negotiate plea bargains, but if the sentencing comes and the judge feels the circumstances warrant it they have the discretion to throw out any deals. Is this not accurate?

I haven’t watched it but what I’ve read sounds like it validates a lot of the thought processes and fantasies of suicidal people which is horrifying. I think some people see suicide as a way to take control and it sounds like the protagonist has achieved that kind of power fantasy, steering the plot and other

Am I the only one who hated Kendall’s dead fish hand more than anything else in that “short film”?

Or he’s just a terrible selfish person enriching himself by taking advantage of his cult followers’ mental illnesses/unintelligence.

I don’t think it really matters if he believes this stuff or not. Only a mentally unstable or just plain dangerous terrible person would think it’s okay to spread this stuff and lead his cult like he does especially after seeing what happened with pizza gate and how much worse that could have easily gone.