
Can we stop rewarding this bullshit like they’re doing something great or giving us some great gift? They put a line or two in their movie that will generate a bunch of fawning press without being open and fully expressed enough to alienate too many homophobic parents. We deserve better.

OMG Idina I feel your pain but my story’s worse. I once found out I’d been walking around all morning with whitie tighties hanging out of my pant leg *in high school*. Didn’t find out until someone got out of her seat in English and whispered in my ear. I was in the front row and there was no way to discretely put

and mistresses

He squanches his family.

It was sold out and I’ve heard they’ve sold a ton of season tickets. They’re playing at Georgia Tech’s Bobby Dodd until the Falcons stadium is done in like August I think.

Oh wow. I assumed someone leaked those screenshots of the emails. Why would Mark tweet them himself? Does he really not realize how bad that makes him look?

In general, we at the Flat Earth Society do not lend much credibility to photographic evidence. It is too easily manipulated and altered. Many of the videos posted here to “prove a round earth” by showing curvature will show no curvature or even concave curvature at parts. The sources are so inaccurate it’s difficult

They think we live in Westeros or something and we’re surrounded by an ice wall that “holds in the oceans”

Vaccines are a scam the government is using to control us! Any idiot could tell everyone who died in all those “smallpox” “epidemics” was a crisis actor.

As someone who still resents the time and money they spent to see The Town, reading Live By Night reviews was a total guilty pleasure.

I think he’s going through critical acclaim withdrawal. He’s realized he doesn’t actually get the acclaim he feels entitled to from his own talent or merit so he needs to attach himself only to projects that have a bunch of super talented people involved and/or cover topics that critics are biased towards.

That was a good article. I remember noticing that male comedians just automatically got laughs by dressing as women even if they made no jokes, it was sad. I think snl has gotten better about that though.


My great aunt loved golf. She bought tickets to the Masters in Augusta every year for decades. It always makes me sad that the very same club she was so loyal to and gave so much money to thought so little of her. They didn’t allow women to be members until 2012, 10 years after she died. It’s crazy to think there are


I re-read it. Sorry if you were offended by the idea of treating strangers as autonomous individuals with agency rather than projecting massive assumptions and helplessness onto them.

That was a generic hypothetical about a generic hypothetical partner. Try empathizing with a possible woman who isn’t being abused but is overwhelmed by sudden scrutiny and everyone telling her how horrible her husband is and that she’s a poor little victim. If you can’t even imagine an experience that isn’t your own

I have seen people grossed out by and critical of Donald’s treatment of and comments about Ivanka but I have NEVER seen anyone treat Ivanka like she’s not a fully realized adult individual capable of responsibility for her words and actions. I’ve never seen a “FREE IVANKA” sign. I’ve never seen anyone dismiss her

Any woman who is in relationship could theoretically be in an abusive relationship, we don’t know. That doesn’t mean we work from the assumption that they are. I think it’s very condescending to treat her like she doesn’t have any agency or responsibility for her actions just because we don’t like the man she’s in a

Thank you. I’m sick of the #FreeMelania shit. She’s a grown ass woman. She has free will and she uses it to actively support her husband’s politics and try to improve his image.