
Context is what matters here. In this context (American girl, American event, sexualized performance), the reason the bindi is there is very clearly to fetishize and exoticize a minority culture that she doesn't belong to.

Are there laws against retaliation in this sort of situation? Even if there isn't a specific law, that guy should be fired. That kind of behavior is just horrible and unacceptable.

OMG you guys! its the Holocaust all ovr again! This was posted on the Anne Frank House facebook page. I just find it hilarious.

I second everything you said. More southerners need to be proud of the South as it IS, a diverse modern community with a lot to offer, rather than trying to reclaim and redefine a piece of history tied to atrocity. Things like the Confederate battle flag do not represent the South, they can't, and I'm sick of seeing

True, but if you're calling yourself an "accidental racist", it means you're actually an intentional racist in denial.

" demographic displacement of Europeans from our homelands"

Sex ed should have rape and consent in the curriculum. It might be difficult at first because so many adults have horrible understandings of these concepts as well, but it has to start somewhere. Clearly this discussion isn't happening enough at home.

I really, really wish I could find the Onion's "College Basketball Star Heroically Overcomes Tragic Rape He Committed" video online.

Unfortunately, the Onion's video "College Basketball Star Heroically Overcomes Tragic Rape He Committed" is not currently online, but a lot of people's attitudes towards this case remind me of it.

Her songs wouldn't get nearly as much attention if it weren't for people speculating about which famous guy she's swooning over or talking shit about now. She knows that and has learned to play to that very well. So hearing her whine about the fact that people talk about her relationships or that there might be any

Antebellum is usually used in reference to an architectural style.

If the fetus was viable, it's murder, I don't know about in other situations though.

I was ambivalent toward her until it seemed like she was BRAGGING about how unhealthy she was because of her diet for Les Mis. Not about how it added to the movie (if it did), or even just about how many pounds she lost, but about how literally sick she was, as if that was an accomplishment. Creeped me the fuck out.

She's not actually apologizing. She's shrugging it off. It sounds to me like she thinks Taylor was making way too big a deal about it. In comparison to her over-dramatic comments, Amy is minimizing it.

Health insurance is part of compensation that employees EARN for their work. So using health insurance to pay for something IS paying for it yourself. Employers cannot be given the right to morally police how employees use their own earned compensation.

You talk as if you come here often, but you somehow don't know that Dirt Bag is in no way intended to be an article or taken seriously. It's a round-up of rumor links that they do literally EVERYDAY.

It does by helping them find work in the future, but not while they're in college. Just like government aid benefits society by helping people find work.

College students ARE grown-ups not middle schoolers. Misogyny on college campuses causes real physical and emotional pain every single day on an epidemic level. The people who facilitate are harmful. Yes, it does need to be talked about on "this level" because it needs to be taken seriously by everyone, not just those

He stated his Creative Commons license is specifically non-commercial.