Apparently Miss Montana is autistic AND her talent is a comedic monologue, but I can't find a video of it! I feel like that would be a really tough crowd so I'm impressed with her bravery to do something other than singing or dancing.
Apparently Miss Montana is autistic AND her talent is a comedic monologue, but I can't find a video of it! I feel like that would be a really tough crowd so I'm impressed with her bravery to do something other than singing or dancing.
Why did you have to remind me how much I loved Basic Lupine Urology? I can't find a place to legally rewatch it for free online!
All sex-ed courses should be required to teach what rape is and what consent is. A whole unit of sex-ed should be devoted to discussing rape and abuse. I really think that would help, though slowly.
Yeah, I'm southern and we do the same all the time. Once, when I was a kid, I remember seeing a trucker stop to get an alligator snapping turtle out of the road.
"And as a practical matter, I believe this type of policy is an overreach of government into the private market... it just went too far."
I just started watching The IT Crowd. Is it supposed to be ironically unfunny? Because after all the good things I heard about it, I definitely wasn't expecting a stereotypical 90's sitcom with an even more painful laughtrack than Big Bang Theory.
He gets hotter with every release somehow.
Okay, I think abstinence-only sex ed is horrible, but "anti-abstinence education" sounds like a horrible idea too.
Why are so many people making comments that imply that marriage precludes rape?
I used to work at a doctor's office and this really pissed me off. There's no way to really verify someone's identity over the phone. So whenever you give away sensitive medical information over the phone, you're simply trusting that they are who they say they are (either the patient, someone on their list of those…
As a Georgian, I was confused by the "not enough of a dick" comment.
We're stuck with that one.
Last Resort should have been a mini-series. THAT would have been great.
I am so confused by that part.
What big decisions could she possibly be talking about? That doesn't make sense unless she lets her boyfriends run her career or let the Kennedy kid decide she should spend $5 million on a house next to his grandmother.
OT: Does anyone know why there aren't any Breaking Dawn reviews yet? Like, has an official explanation been offered as to why they're not screening it for critics other than the implied "We know anyone with a remote sense of taste is going to hate this movie"?
RCP didn't do any analysis or meaningful metrics, they just did a straight average. They didn't even bother calculating the likelihood of each candidate winning the popular vote despite how easy that would have been.
WAIT, we're getting free booze and cellphones?? Where is the line for this? ARE THEY IPHONE 4's OR 5's?!
While it's nice that she took the time to personally go over this individual family's finances and spending habits to be able to conclude they have a budgeting problem, some more specific advice would be more helpful.