
Luther is always condescending. He's just doing it more gleefully today.

I was so sure this show was going to be crap, but I love it. Comedy Central finally got a good comedian sketch show.

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I don't understand why guys can't grasp why things like that elevator situation are inappropriate. Always Sunny gets it. It's because of "The Implication".

Kate McKinnon, just looked it up.

Oh God, Nasim is the best! So is the new chick who did the Jesus painting restorer last week. The ladies on SNL have been blowing away the guys for a while now, especially now that they barely use Bill Hader.

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I'm trying to get into it, but GAWD, Charlie is so obnoxious. She's ruining the show for me. Can she go 10 minutes without doing Annie's Disney Face?

Apparently they thought putting that woman in DC in her underwear would distract us from her horrible acting. It didn't. I mean, I realize whoever is writing her lines (particularly the cheesetastic "you son of a bitch" bit) is partly to blame, but she was sooooooooo distractingly bad.

I think you mean "the general consensus of every scientific study done on corporal punishment is that it screws kids up." Even if there are some anecdotal cases where it doesn't, that doesn't change the fact that as a practice it's dangerous and harmful to children.

Some of Taylor Swift's songs are obnoxiously catchy. This isn't one of them. It's just obnoxious, not to mention bad. Like some reviewer said "Building a Taylor Swift single around the vocal is like building a hamburger around the bun." She's always been a weak vocalist, but she usually buries it under lots of

I'm pretty sure that time window is because they only HAVE until tomorrow afternoon to convince him to drop out. After that, it would be very difficult for legal reasons.

I just want to say: Jessica Walter for Queen of Thorns!! I love the Queen of Thorns, she's hilarious and Jessica is unparalleled in the realm of hilariously bitchy controlling matriarchs. I'm pretty sure the character hasn't been cast yet, right?

It is possible to make funny fat jokes. She didn't. She used the word "fat" as an insult and then further insulted the people using harmful, oppressive stereotypes about fat people. This is not a case where it matters how fat or gay she is herself. It also doesn't matter how many times you use the word "agency" like

Black people can be racist against other black people. It's not a recent discovery that people can and sadly often do hold bigoted beliefs about groups they are a part of.

She doesn't need it anymore, though, I doubt she cares that much.

If it was pre-taped, then what I really don't understand is why they had to replace it with that horribly boring interview. Why not just skip it and cut down the run time so they don't lose viewers to boredom?

I mostly agree. I'm not going to boycott an entire corporation but I can boycott this specific Chick-fil-a since it's right by my office.

that was the only part I didn't empathize with. I mean, who actually writes (not talks) like that, let alone in a press release? I wasn't thinking publicity stunt until that one line.

At the very least, they could remove the word "humanitarian."

Parenting is not an inevitable future for everyone.