
These people are the same types of people who think that foreign names are funny because “silly sounds!”

Don’t be simple.

So, you’re all against black James Bond, right?

Wait, but Peter Pan is a fantasy, it’s fiction. Don’t be so simple.

This is the *perfect* comment to point out that if you cut the SJW bullshit from this review, it turns a 1288 word crapfest into a 1071 word pretty good review. I’m actually surprised: I figured about half would have to be halved.

~<O>~ ~<O>~

LOL you don’t actually have to have a 45 IQ to be retarded!

No, you don’t have an imagination. You have a quota system fed by retardo white guilt.

So in their fictional universe, brown people don’t exist. Why are you so simpleminded?

And they wanted white people. Which is immoral, somehow, because retardation.

Yeah, they should have cast Precious in here someplace.

White is awesome!

He may be simple, but you’re basic.

Waaaaaaaaaah. Let me into a Coen Brothers movie, or else I’ll call the ACLU! Waaaaaaaaaah.

Peeple is just democratizing Gawker.

It’s amazing how much content on this site is written for an audience that will never be hit on except at last call.

It’s actually a pretty cool t-shirt.

You’re probably some kind of sexual deviant, too. Just sayin’.

Your kid is obviously some kind of freak / ninny.

By the process, *maybe.* But not by the original creature or the delicious and appealing products that result from the process. You should think through your opinions more.