
Why is it that every self-righteous shit-eating nematode retreats to shrieking “You’re a troll!” when the illegitimacy of their hare-brained arguments are laid bare? I’d like to know the psychology of the morally and logically retarded. Can anybody help?

I imagine that nauseating, smug, puritanical attitudes like yours kill more cows and baby pigs than all the advertising the meat industry has ever done, combined.

OK. And please ban cars, the common cold, and bad weather while you’re running around jabbing people with needles. You see, your stupid appeals to emotion don’t work on me, because reality has a well-known nihilistic bias.

Wait, do they make LooLoomuns for fatasses now?

It must be miserable to base one’s smugness on the scientific papers of nerds.


That’s incorrect. Measles has never been a big killer, and wouldn’t be one now due to advancements in medical care. Sorry, buddy.

Jebus Christmas. 5200/ 52,000,000 is the fucking definition of insignificant.

Oh what a crock. I’m all for vaccinations, but the odds of dying from measles, mumps, rubella, or chickenpox are insignificant.

Probably the best way to get people to vaccinate would be to get liberals to shut the fuck up about trying to get people to vaccinate. The shrieking nanny-state stormtroopers can’t be very good for the cause.

Well, that sucked.

I hope it’s not an Indian airline...


Oh, I’m voting for Donald Trump. Twice.

Satanists are basically libertarians with cool costumes.

Good for him. Only guy there with any integrity.

The bill will undoubtedly have a major economic impact on California’s women.

Which things? E-readers? Smartphones? Bluetooth vibrators?

““The fact that you feel upset about me speaking on something that affects black women makes me feel like you have some big balls.”