
Ask me if I care in 2150.

You’re kind of an idiot, aren’t you?

And I am again amazed by the keen observational skills of Internet skeptics who only believe things that are empirically verifiable.

Whitewashing with a black actor. It seems there was a pretty fair variety of ethnicity in the movie. People just want something to bitch about

1. Agree with the current leftist group think and be an active player.

The medal itself is made of bronze, right? What do you use to wash the blood of collateral damage women and children and Doctors Without Borders doctors off of a medal like that without damaging the patina?

Unwritten Rule #1 - Do nothing...

I don’t ever remember seeing my mother swatting cows, pigs, & chickens with a rolled-up newspaper.

Ah, I see. The Coens should make up a story. And in that story, since they are free to invent any characters and any plotlines they want to, they should also feel free to do whatever they want with the general social and cultural setting in which the story occurs. And what they should want to do is to include at least

Come on! Do it for this whiteness.

Do it another 10,000 times and you’ll get this badge.

Your really appalled that someone who eats vegetarian 99% of the time would get drunk occasionally and eat a burger? That’s where your going to place those feelings?

I mean, you can think you’re treating yourself better and being responsible while also acknowledging that you’re denying yourself something delicious.

Somewhat related.

I’m not feeding my kid bugs. Living in a first world country allows me that choice.

There might be more to it than just cultural norms. I think that our aversion to insects is much older than any culture, I would even go as far as saying its evolutionary.

except i’d be grossed out watching my kids eat bugs

Except what kids would eat something that the parents are going “Ewww” too?

If your “scientific evidence” leads you to leading INSECTS then your “science” is really fucking stupid