6’5”? You’re right. You are a whining SJW pussy. Buy a fucking upgrade.
6’5”? You’re right. You are a whining SJW pussy. Buy a fucking upgrade.
So, if you’re not fat, then what are you complaining about? I fly a dozen times a year on sometimes long intercontinental flights. I’m above-average in height. People recline in front of me all the time. I work on the old craptop, eat my dinner, sleep, no problem. Never, once, has a reclining seat caused me any grief…
By “feels” I think you mean “folds” and “rolls,” which, unless you are a Guild Navigator, do not transcend Euclidian space at all, but instead cramp it up.
“morally permissable.” Vomit.
Found the womyn who doesn’t understand the easiest of all maths, geometry.
I generally fart just as I recline the seat. If I have to fart a lot, I’ll forcefully put the seatback into the upright position, and then fart again as I recline. The time I take to recline is proportional to the length of time I fart, BTW. Generally, on a 5 hour flight, I’ll do this 4-5 hundred times.
Proven fact: the brain damage endemic to HS Football works as a back pain salve.
How fat are you?
Tough titties. Read a book.
Spend the extra 20 bucks on legroom and chut up.
The kiss cam is literally rape culture!
Trump won, as usual. Get ready!
Let me mansplain this to you. Christie being a lardass is of a different order than a military person being a lardass, because military folks have to keep a certain weight and physical fitness by regulation. Also, governors don’t typically go and fight people in wars, whereas military people do.
She’s not funny.
Good on Diddy.
“An oak for an eye leaves everyone blind.”
Helen Keller, known POS eugenicist, is on the Alabama state quarter. Still tickled there, you racist trash?
Helen Keller was a eugenicist asshole.
Or the third: that third-world Islamists have turned much of urban France into an unlivable Sharia shithole.
From that horrible land called “reality.”