
What sort of charges? Inciting Liberal Butthurt? 3rd Degree Aggravated Goatse?

Shit, and I thought Moffat was really going to let Doctor Who be a woman next time.

Well, imagine a female Dalai Lama that looked like Donald Trump. Useful or not useful?

How many girls you think he banged wearing that shirt?

Counting on him? Is your little world crumbling now?

Why couldn’t a “random god” dig hot chicks and not ugmo fatties?

Can you please point to a historical example of a non-fucked up matriarchy? K thnx.

Is Jezebel claiming that a horribly unattractive female Dalai Lama would be equally useful, more useful, or less useful than a really hot one?

Wait... Why is the Trump twitter debacle hilarious and the Huma twitter debacle a “ cavalcade of filth?”

The only thing sickening about the 1/4 number is that anyone would be stupid enough to believe it.

I am Jezebel’s mouth. From me, all manner of crap spews forth. Men, look on me with lust, because I command it, but I ain’t no hollaback girl. To be disgusted by me is to commit Thoughtcrime. To accede to my boner dictate is to rape me. Doom, white men of privilege, doom to you all!


This article couldn’t possibly be a bigger piece of shit. Good work, George! You’re probably gonna need asshole stitches, though.

Does Jezebel dislike her because she’s young and cute and you are all fat and awful? Plz explain.

No, “Mother Nature” is pretty much a retard.

Yeah. And every other poll gave it to Trump. Get ready for 4 years old miserable, beautiful truth Jizzabel.

What a worthless old prune.

Nobody cares.

What transparently pandering bullshit!

Because Jake is a boy, you goddamned moron 3 year old.