
Japan does allow GMO imports, it just doesn't allow importation of unapproved GMOs like this one. And, after Monsanto "won" its defense against a preemptive lawsuit from a group of organic farmers, Monsanto can no longer sue for incidental contamination of crops.

Sylvia played it cool. The sign in her hands had Slool’s sucker prints all over it. One more felony fraud conviction on this outpost, and she could have him extradited to Earth for some long overdue trials. Intergalpol had wanted to get its hands on this slippery fellow for years.

Isn't the point how we interpret the prompt. You see a boy, I see a girl - what does it matter except how the storyline plays out.

Check out the wrist on the girl in the foreground. Buddhist prayer beads? When I noticed that, I knew I had my story prompt.

For millennia, Buddhist monks had described themselves as scientists of the mind mapping the whole of consciousness. In 2803 CE, they had the greatest scientific breakthrough of their history. In the Red Monastery on Olympus Mons, Lama Khandro Rinpoche attained the right understanding of Emptiness. Emptiness was a

I would be happy to progress the discussion if the Author allows my posts.

The nice thing is that you feel entitled to discourage anyone from talking to you, yes?

Here is the funny thing, if I or my wife hold up a hand and wave them off, it seems to work out well without projecting hate at the world. Maybe you hate just naturally. Were you breastfed?

Hilarious how you consider it a demand to smile instead of a request.

Any professional who aspires to a "don't talk to me" look is seriously looking for a career setback.

You have no clue about body language then? There are methods by which humans transmit emotions between one another. The fact that yours is hate by default SHOULD worry you.

The movie was about the relationship that develops between Grue and the orphans and how he is transformed by it. Saying it was a movie about minions is like saying Citizen Kane was a movie about a sled.

Let me add to that your great interpretation of the image. The casual smoking rider and the more "at the ready" mech turned into a romance of two opposites-attract types. I wanted to be a little more specific.

Interesting take on it, thanks!

Reminds me a little of Japan where some of the English nouns used at times seem completely divorced from their original meaning.

Good for you for sharing your work with everyone else! I am a bit new here myself.

Great story! I loved the creative elements.

Hee, hee "grind me" as a curse word among baristas. Brilliant!

Designator Q103198Rn7!4 loathed every shade of gray in its existence. The 45 seconds in its Hostility Damper Sequence allowed its advanced AI to review this horrible situation in detail from all angles 847,112 times every sequence. And, all it had ever done wrong was to kill people.

Taunting your detractors devalues you.