
In fact, why do you think that someone checking out your awesome costume is a perv? Your assumption defines your insecurity.

Your concept of "momentarily" and the concept of "Wow, did you see how awesome that costume looks." Are the difference between ogling and looking.

I don't understand why one woman slut shames another women. I do understand why a man finds a woman attractive in her ST:TOS costume.

Slut shaming as opposed to man shaming?

This is the second most post bait I have encountered on io9. Let's remind people that 0.1% of the geek population hates the thought that women see them as equals. Let us also consider that 0.1% of the women who respond to this idiotic statement are women who think that any man who doesn't agree with them should be

How do you know someone isn't staring because your outfit is awesome? Do Klingon cosplayers complain about being stared at too much? If someone's "check out that great costume" stare is 5 seconds longer than your "that creep is staring at me" timeout, how would you know? How would they know?

When I see comments about everyone knowing not to stare for too long, I think about how long I would look at a well made costume like this and note all the effort and detail that went into it (the wrist braid, etc.). Only at that point would I realize I had been staring too long.

And that my friends concludes the response from the "Haters Gonna Hate" Society.

The author waivered back and forth whether this is a culture issue or the behavior of individuals. But, the point she made that caught my attention most is that misbehavior by individuals should be punished by everyone. If you see some guy groping during a photo op why not call him out, call the cops, or tell the

No one said a penis enlargement pill? Have you not been listening to the internets?

Dude, I have daughters. If either one of them woke yelling that at me, it would totally dissociate my consciousness from my reality.

Harnessed under orange skies and raised to sense the winds like waves from the day they hatched, the School of Sailing never found itself saddled with a defective until Grey Eyes came along. Grey Eyes sensed his Riders touch on the reins and always moved in response, but only hesitantly as if a second command was

OMG! Awesome +6 and then some. So awesome. So are you the qwisacht-haderacht or something? :)

"The sleeper has awakened!!" *fun anywhere outside of bed*

I know. I hate nitpicking such a major undertaking for SciFi/SyFy when the goal was to be true to the original material. Glad to meet someone whom I would actually invite to a viewing of 1984 Dune to enjoy all its idiosyncrasies and fun!

A wonderful exposure to Muslim courtesies and insights in a science fiction setting. I find almost nothing in it that has not withstood the test of time.

I could find nothing to love or hate in any of the SyFy version's characters including William Hurt. It was sterile. I hated the 1984 Dune's Yueh passionately with anti-villain rage and loved the Imperial Surveyor's reactions to the Duke equally as passionately. Sting was, well Sting, and doing his part well to

Bester will always hold up to the test of time. He thought on an entirely different level. Maybe Philip K. Dick approached it, but Bester was a different form of creativity compared to us mere mortals. Try reading Bester's "Golum 101" some time if you want to be exposed to a particularly raw form of his creativity.

Readable, heck yes! Stands the test of time, no. Maybe that is the scientist in me talking though. Asimov himself said that he got the concept of radioactivity wrong, and some of his other attempts to make future science more believable by over-specifying it didn't stand the test of time. But readable, absolutely!

Satire or campy space opera trying to revive the feelings of the books when they came out so many years ago? I was a huge Heinlein fan when the movie came out, so I loved it with uncritical passion. I am not sure I should ever watch it again since my only remaining beloved Heinlein novel is "Door into Summer"