
I vote Babylon 5. I loved that show and upvoted the crap out of it the one time I was a Nielson rater.

I'd read the heck out of that essay. Best of luck for an A+!

My cat has an IQ of 2, charitably. The first mouse she saw, she stared at and me as if to say, "Are you going to do something about that?" The second mouse, she stole from a mousetrap and paraded around the house with an immense false pride.

Folks are awake at this hour? Awesome! We should discuss fun stuff.

They kept us lastling refugees in a room for two or three days.If you started to vomit blood, they cast you out as a fatal rads.No way in for you.If you kept your innards down, you could buy your way in.

If you have children or grandchildren, please consider what effect your calling your pets by the same familial name you call human beings has on the people whom you will wish to remember you after you are gone. If you are telling your children or grandchildren that they are no more important to you than a pet, please

This is also a modern radiation symbol (the proportions of the inner and outer circles were set by the ISO in the 1970's - I think). This is not a relic of the 1950's.

I am guessing that the "goo" is some form of radioactive decontamination foam.

It took hundreds of millions of years to put all that carbon in the ground, and we are burning up most of it and putting it all back into the air in 200-300 years. It is called math.

Aren't there better songs from this era?

Let us start with the premise that no one cares about the GotG comic. It is really nice that you invested so much of your life in a niche comic, but that would encompass 98% of the viewing public. So where is the appeal? Is it the use of the song "Hooked on a Feeling?" Nope, that pretty much killed it for me.

If every person who has read GotG watches this film, it will be a box office disaster. They will need everyone who might find the concept interesting to make this a smash hit. On an earlier io9 post where I saw a gif of a raccoon with an automatic pulse rifle riding an Ent. I thought it might be cool. But this

I have never seen the comic, and this clip really doesn't move me.

The essentiality of vitamins was established using vitamins synthesized from things like petroleum products. They eventually proved the treatment of scurvy, beriberi, pellagra, etc. using the deadest of dead chemically synthesized vitamins (after they got past using plant extracts initially and needed to know whether

NAC was thought to be a wonder cure for HIV+ persons because their lymphocytes are depleted of glutathione. While it is easy to increase glutathione there with NAC, it has yet to provide any other benefit like survival or CD4 counts.

The vitamin pills at your average Wal-Mart were probably made by PharmaVite, which is a Japanese pharmaceutical company. The bigger the company making the multivitamin supplement, the more likely that it is what it is.

Just to clarify. The "multivitamin" studies on cancer, mortality, and heart disease consisted of two high-dose anti-oxidant trials (REACT and SU.VI.MAX) and only one that used an OTC multivitamin-mineral supplement (PHS-II). PHS-II had previously shown a reduction in overall cancer risk last year from multivitamins,

Sorry that I am checking back so late. Thank you for your sympathy. I have a lot of sympathy for what you experience as well.

I am a little frustrated with io9 story prompts. I have tried to post stories that are interesting because they are at cross-currents with the current feelgood on the forum about the prompt, but they do not get posted. I apologize if I have offended any of the editors with contra-cute storylines, but I am always