
As always, my answer is none. I consider saying a show is overrated is very narcissistic, because it's basically saying "I don't like this show and everyone who thinks differently is wrong." Saying something is overrated is not only giving your opinion, it's also condeming others' opinion, and that I can't stand.

"Since when do we actually need rape scenes, torture scenes, and creative atrocities to prove a villain's bona fides?"

we don't need those things, but the writers do because they're too lazy to seek alternatives. when all you have to advance character/plot development is shock value, you're just not trying hard enough.

WTF?? Did they drug it? Why isn't the mantis shrimp even attempting to fight back? Did it not see the giant eyeballs and dome of doom looming before it?? Stupid multi-capable eyeballs.

Can't commit to a full time position, but hey, I can post cat .gifs in the comment section for you guys all day long, for free!

Meirtal — You understand you shouldn't do that either, right? Just because these ladies asking you not to insult them doesn't mean they approve of insulting anybody else.

Actually, Monsanto can't sue for this. Just recently a bunch of corn farmers found roundup ready strains of corn in their fields, presumably due to crosspollination. Fearing a suit from Monsanto, they preemptively countersued. Monstanto's argument to the court for why the case should be thrown out was essentially:

For millennia, Buddhist monks had described themselves as scientists of the mind mapping the whole of consciousness. In 2803 CE, they had the greatest scientific breakthrough of their history. In the Red Monastery on Olympus Mons, Lama Khandro Rinpoche attained the right understanding of Emptiness. Emptiness was a

"Just giving you a heads-up, little one." Chimi's voice struggles to overcome the tension-blend techno that my headphones are pumping into my skull. "The Sector Four Mafia are throwing their weight around again, expect a visit."

"Gotcha." I retune the station to something playing rip-jazz in a vain attempt to lighten

The man looked at the sign, then in the store, hesitated, then walked in, eyeing the barista and the robot warily.

"Leia de Los Muertos", perhaps?

Guess why men and women were harassing you, on any level? It's because the men wanted to sleep with you and didn't know how to handle it like grownups, and the women were jealous of your bangin' body and also didn't know how to handle it like grownups. Fuck those jellis haters. You look terrific, your costumes are

“Fiiiish for sale,” called the fishmonger. “Giant flying mutant fiiiish for saaale!”

Verhoeven's Starship Troopers, to me, really comes into its own during the GWB presidency. The cartoonish pundits, and overly-enthusiastic, marketable, trendy patriotism that spun out of the War on Terror find a lot of parallels in a film released solidly four years earlier. Tell me you can't imagine Johnny Rico

:) Yeah! I was actually kind of surprised to read that you've had people try to convince you that Lynch's Dune sucks, because all of my geek friends, most of whom have also read the novels, totally love it just as much as me. We quote it to each other almost as frequently as Star Wars...

My main complaints about the SyFy version (I spelled it "Sci Fi" earlier, because back then they still spelled it that way, lol) are the following:

For what it's worth, I love the Lynch Dune as well! (And I've read all the original novels three times.) While I fully admit it takes some huge liberties with the source material, and strays pretty far from the book's plot at times, it's still a phenomenal movie in and of itself. It seriously angers me when people say

We still dance the story of the nights that the Moon Goddess came down and sang to us.

The craft dropped noiselessly through the thin layer of cloud, leaving wispy spirals as the air rushed back in behind it. It fell seemingly without restraint or any method of saving itself, yet at the last moment its momentum decreased until it came to rest, floating just above the tips of the long blades of grass.

The speckprobe swarms confirmed that the biosphere of the third planet was water-CHONPS, levo, ACTGU, and 5'-3' directional - a 1-in-1,048,576 fit that was natively compatible with the Hela'a Corporate's techsuite. What's more, the landing team identified multiple candidate species for Assimilation - there were