
On Ruth playing their daughter...

In the comic, Jesse’s dad isn’t a preacher. He is an ex-Marine who served in Vietnam.


I don’t know about that.

Biggest fail of the entire finale...

When it came to that, I just don’t think that the team behind the show had the faintest idea what to do with the “Epilogue” issue that the comic closed with.

The musical choices was one of the only things that this show ever got completely right.

When you think about the exact way that Starr went out in the comics(and who did it), we was robbed.

On if they will wind up with anything like the Saint/God ending from the comics, I just can’t see them getting anywhere close.

Just how far away the ending of the show will seemingly be from where the comics ended is pretty mind blowing.

Are you familiar with the comic at all?

This show would have to quite a bit of improvement just to make it to “Unmitigated Disaster”.

Along that line, why didnt he just use the voice to make De Sade bring him the kid right after he clocked him?

While it doesn’t really come up that often, Supernatural actually borrows a good bit from the Preacher comic.

On Jesse being impossible to like, the pilot going in for the kid because Pilots have a code... was more of a Comics Jesse Custer moment than what the Jesse Custer sitting on the passenger side did.

Have you caught much of the first season?

Come to think of it...

Take a second look at the fight in the hallway.

Politely, you are incorrect about this.

Only thing that keeps me tuning in.