That’s not the reason. He just needed his pistols back to actually do it. Getting them back involved bringing Eugene back to Hell. He had to do it to get his pistols and saber back.
That’s not the reason. He just needed his pistols back to actually do it. Getting them back involved bringing Eugene back to Hell. He had to do it to get his pistols and saber back.
A couple of thoughts on the “Comic’s” and “Meta” angles...
Copy that.
It does indeed feel that way. Either that, or the guy that was involved in Breaking Bad has a really long leash and he is making most of the bad call.
Yep. If they follow the comics even a bit, that angel is chained up.
Got to politely disagree on how much room that “Til The End Of The World” would have taken up in episodes if done correctly.
Cassidy and The Saint’s stories this season were based around their “Solo” limited series during the main “Preacher” comic’s run.
That Jesse thought to tell Starr he could no longer where hats but did not say “You are going to forget all about this “Armageddon” business.” is just a whole new degree of “Cole, you stupid.”
They just aren’t making a show where “Their” Jody is going to strike any sort of legitimate fear.
Yep. Eccarius had only been a vampire for about ten years, and had picked up everything he knew from reading vampire novels. They are pretty well making most of this stuff up.
One pet peeve that is driving me further and further up the wall each week...
You aren’t that hazy. Save for the coffin, this season has almost nothing to do with that arc. Made up just about whole cloth.
While I actually thought about this myself(and they do go way out of their way to show the audience that Cassidy still has that love potion, they are miles away from the comic.
One other thing...
That the lighter(right out of the comics, no less) turned up in Jody’s possession probably should have made “Stray Observations”(even if it feels like it will make almost zero sense in a story taking place in the present).
Seemed like it.
One guy’s take...
As someone who has read and loves the story they told in the comics, my opinion is that this is one of the most incredibly lousy adaptations of source material that I’ve seen.
One quick thing about the “Observations”(which I’ll guess you probably know)...
If that is the case, why is Jesse running?