I kinda liked the art direction in FFXV, other than the typical Japanese RPG tropes (spikey-haired teenaged-looking kiddies, bad guy covering his face, etc).
I kinda liked the art direction in FFXV, other than the typical Japanese RPG tropes (spikey-haired teenaged-looking kiddies, bad guy covering his face, etc).
Will we have to worry about HDCP? I'd like to know if I can record from the HDMI or if I have to try to find hardware for a work-around.
After 14 years of a relationship and 7 years of marriage, I can tell you my wife and I have had our rough patches.
Good premarital counseling is definitely worth doing... but the truth is, you can get "free" counseling if you're part of most medium to larger churches
Going to have to be critical and point out that the video is another showcasing of "eye candy," without focusing on things that really matter to a lot of people, and really affect the experience in powerful ways.
Excellent point, as well as the fact that you can go back and play older titles like Oblivion with a newer gaming rig and experience it with nicer, smoother graphics. That's something you just can't do on consoles. Some consoles do a little "smoothing" or upscaling of older games, but they look pretty much the same,…
I disagree entirely. Pirating games for the 360/PS3 is not easy at all, requires a lot of effort (sometimes hardware mods), and disables your ability to play online, which is critical for many of the most popular games out there.
One thing that is being mentioned but gets buried under general complaints (of which I have many), is the nature of these new restrictions in relation to the PC platform.
Not true. I've gotten so many big-name titles via PS+, such as Super Street Fighter IV, Demon's Souls, Spec Ops, LBP2, Warhammer, and the list goes on. This month is just adding to that. They certainly aren't picking obscure, mediocre titles — much of what they choose is good quality stuff. Not always, but usually.
I can't handle all of the games! My HDD is practically filled to the brim, and now three more awesome games?
Indeed. Having knowledge of both Java and C++, which is easy considering how similar they are, is very useful for real life practical application.
I think you misunderstand the "Ron Paul Revolution" movement. The purpose is not to defend the companies' freedom to do what they do, it's to expose and reveal the truth about what's really going on. Ron Paul libertarians do not inherently love corporations or corporatism, which is not the same as capitalism.
Digital downloads have been a part of the Xbox 360/PS3 platform, as well as for the Wii and PSP to a lesser extent. Now it extends to Wii U and the 3DS.
I think you missed the point about the "threats" to go to PC gaming. I'm already a PC gamer as well as a console gamer, owning a Wii, GameCube, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, DS, 3DS, PSP, etc.
Well, I guess it's a PS4 for me.
I would say that Java or C++ would be an excellent place to start learning how to program. Both follow a very standardized object-oriented programming approach, which is transferable to many other languages.
This is a great article, very well-written and informative.
Yes people should definitely check their local laws. You can always put a label sticker over the blank spot on the ID and write on that, thus not writing on the ID (kind of like labeling miniDV tapes).
This really isn't much different than when they forced you to get Windows Vista (at the time at least) to play Halo 2 on PC.
One thing I notice people do is generalize, assume, and oversimplify. When I encounter an OBVIOUS hacker in a game (clearly cheating), my solution is to quit out. I don't give them the pleasure of playing against me, not when they're cheating.