Dear Lifehacker, I've read your complete guide to getting started with Linux, but I'm still a little nervous. You…
I've always considered the handshake overrated and its importance exaggerated. It's one of those things where only a small subset of people focus on it, and then everyone else doesn't give a sh&*
I've learned my lesson... go with the company that provides you the SPECIFIC services you need for the lowest price, as long as you get decent connections in the area you spend most of your time.
If your desk looks like the one pictured before the jump you don't need a bigger desk; you need to stop reading LifeHacker and CLEAN UP YO MESS.
I'd like to see a few posts that accommodate those who work the night shift. I'm in law enforcement, and I start work around midnight, and as long as I don't have overtime I end up home just before 8:00AM. I go to bed at around 9-9:30, and then wake up somewhere around 4-5:30PM.
Well Kotaku. at least you are consistent. Another stupid article with political-correctness overtones. I am not surprised at all. I really gotta stop giving Kotaku any more tries, it is as they say — it's the worst of the well-known video game sites.
Is he looking at the woman? Did he think he heard someone call his name from behind him? Was he verifying that he was going the right way?
This is definitely not a big deal. He didn't ogle her breast or stare at her crotch or make rude gestures or go thru some whole immature charade. I give that 360 to hot dudes. Besides I think when it comes to women at conventions the hiring of booth babes is the bigger devil.
I know right! Shame at that guy for LOOKING at her.
This article is just overflowing and oozing out with typical Kotaku anti-sex feminism.
"We don't need you to white-knight us."
Poor guy. That's what you get for trying to help, you douche.
If you are an ugly nerd, don't try to pick up chicks by bothering them or trying to help them. People judge by appearances, so no matter what you do, if you are an ugly nerd you are a creeper. That's just how it is.
my opinion on it was...that it shouldn't be mentioned on a videogame site.
Before you read the meat of my response to you, please first understand that I own Monster Hunter games on multiple consoles, including the PS3, Wii, PSP, and 3DS. I even imported Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD from Japan, and play it in Japanese (I know the language fairly well).
Please stop being so transparently anti-gun. Your political position on firearms here on Kotaku is so pathetically obvious, it's shameful for any website professing any degree of journalism.
clearly he was just a sociopath or something.