This is definitely an interesting and potentially low-cost way to amass a staggering amount of facial-recognition data.
This is definitely an interesting and potentially low-cost way to amass a staggering amount of facial-recognition data.
well since it already exists as “chat roulette”....
Nice idea, but giving any website access to my laptop’s camera makes me nervous. I would half expect to find out in a year or two this was used to train surveillance devices.
Better? Eh, yeah, I guess, but it also looks like every other generic Japanese Anime game. Like that last image: why not let a girl have an ugly scowl on her face? No, no, gotta make her look cute and wistful instead.
ooh its like Jaws, all over again.
Karen, Karen, Brenda, Karen
Trump’s butt-boy, Ron DeSantis, is already opening Florida beaches, and their peak hasn’t even hit yet.
The only thing I’ll put my health at risk for is to get rid of this asshole in November.
I assume the people demanding the ultimate sacrifice are eager to be the first ones in line!
Yeah, she could get like five months worth!
We have sex maybe once a year or so but we’ve gone over two years at times.
Despite what tv tells us, 17 year olds absolutely still look like children. 17 year olds have substantially less life experience than a 27 year old (and virtually ZERO life experience as an adult).
Use fish bait and it removes eggs from the fishing loot table.
Hey, I bought 2 bottles of wine. Guess my age. *bats eyelashes*
There’s a run on the local Trader Joe’s right now, and you wouldn’t believe how much booze people are buying. Like, boxes filled with wine and hard liquor. There seems to be a positive correlation between advanced age and how many bottles people are buying, as if they’re gonna party hard until the virus takes ‘em.
No, when you completely power down that’s it. Either console has to be in Rest Mode/Fast Start for suspend to happen.
I don't think any of them would suspend the game on total shutdown. It would require saving an image of the game state to the hard drive like a temp save, whereas sleep mode simply provides enough power to hold data in RAM.
Do place a gift chicken sandwich in your mouth.
Do not look a gift chicken sandwich in the mouth.
Last week, one of the local roads was clogged with folks waiting for the drive through of the local Popeye’s.