I mean, EA is still a terrible and predatory corporation built upon the soul purpose of getting as much money out of you as possible, but this game and Respawn sure are neat.
You’re not wrong. It’s just that I regret I have but two shoulders to shrug at the problem. It will cause difficulties in revenue calculation?
Even if they have “given away” in the philanthropic sense, that is a tax loophole! If you’re a billionaire, the smart thing to do IS give through a foundation, because then there is an official point person keeping track of how the money goes out. But you aren’t taxed at the same rate then, the money sits and gains…
Not to defend billionaires but most of them don’t have their wealth invested in mutual funds. Guys like Bezos and Zuckerberg own their company stock which don’t pay dividends. I’m not going to lose any sleep if they have to sell some stock off to pay a tax bill.
The median lifetime earnings for an American is about $3 million, a billion dollars is 333x that.
Frankly, I think scaring the piss out of multi-billionaires should be a fucking prerequisite for office.
“I’m thinking about what I have left.”
Taxes or guillotines, it's not a hard choice.
Once again, it needs to be pointed out that in the real world, there is one and only one superpower: compound interest.
Window sitter here. Standing up not an option if I wanted to. I get up when my seat mates are pushing their way out. I move over, and try to get my overhead out before getting into th aisle. I then wait for a break before getting into the aisle walking out (don’t want to cut off those who already have their head…
I do not personally know any TTRPG players who actually care about perfectly balanced dice and I’ve been DMing for almost 20 years. They exist sure, if you go on amazon and look at dice, you’ll find reviews of people who’ve actually evaluated sets for accuracy, but we’re talking a really marginal case here.
You joke, but “Other Peoples’ Business—Get in there!” is one of the best motivational seminars going.
Wrong. Sherman. He gutted the entire confederacy with one march. White people in the south still cringe when you mention his name and that is why i suggest we replace every confederate statue in the south with one of Sherman. Let those racist fucks remember if they try and act up again.
Which brings us back to what is obvious, but bears repeating: Racists aren’t actually concerned about having more white anything, it’s about making sure there is never a counternarrative. Any commemoration, monument or tribute to black life, progress, or history is seen as a threat.
Damn that’s a lot of khaki out there!
Behold the master race.