
No, just do your best to kill them. Even if you're out numbered, it will still annoy them that they have to regroup up anyone you killed again and sort out their stuff to do what they wanted to do.

They must be new. I believe the entire point of DayZ is to stuff rotten kiwis down everyone's throat and wash it down with bleach.

we should! Cultaku!

Crytek: Graphically well done but it's a corridor shooter because otherwise it couldn't run on consoles. The AI and gameplay is super repetitive and very dumb.

You'd be crazy not to copy this!


He'll be clicking his heels forever now.

That was pretty funny.

Thats pretty clever. I enjoyed the video.

I'm glad there are still plenty of 12 year old kids playing CoD on Xbox One! Such a relief to know that nothing has changed.

In Soviet Russia, life hacks YOU!

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is a perfect example of when no scoping was a big thing. Hell, 90% of the servers in MoHAA was Snipers only.

Oh bless your heart, to be as young as you again!

This is the funniest thing I'll read all week. Back in the day, before Call of Duty and Medal of Honor there was no such thing as iron sights. Only scopes and "hip fire".

I've never played CS(not much of an fps guy), but does everyone just hip fire all the time?

Mhm. Hilarious.

Gabe, please don't inflate the already inflated egos of the PC Master Gaming Race even further.... -_-

You have to buy DLC for each addition bit for your graphics.