
Yep. There's really no need to buy a next-gen console until next year at the earliest, especially considering the potential launch hardware problems we could run into.

Hey. If you make comments about boobs, or fapping, or anything else of a similar nature, I'm going to remove your comment. If it's bad, or I catch you doing it again, I'm going to ban your account.

If only people weren't such dicks in the game more people could have fun like this.

Little extension cables solve that. They start at $1.15 at Monoprice. I think I pay $2/each at my local Microcenter.

Now playing

If you're anything like me, you'll find it damn hard to get a song out of your head unless you put another one in! With that in mind, I present the first ever Official Dude Ear Bleach Thread.

I'm not all about the money, I don't have an apartment, I approach players with no weapon and my hands in friendly gesture and they continue to shoot me in the face and force me to pay hospital bills, my car is pretty humble, I never seem to be able to climb above around $20k, and even though I'm online I'm alone most

But can I use it to buy 100 cups of coffee?


He'll eventually just turn into this.

Stop making ponies of my daughter!

"It's like coming across a picture of your daughter"

And then people remember MGS V's Quiet and realize the mountain is a mole hill in this case.

Binders full of women?

"And then I told them we were negotiating a fair deal for Americans!"

I loved how you had a GIANT FUCKING BOAT and full crew under your command, in that game, but it still expected you to kill wrassacly wrabbits, too.

The car jumping into the train was pure gold.

Good thing you didn't actually ever have to do anything with the economy, if you chose not to.

The pinwheel is just a mere distraction.