
So, I ended up downloading that update and finally getting to play GTA Online. It's pretty good, aside from all the EXTREMELY LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS young children who really should not have access to this game - but that's not Rockstar's fault, so I can hardly count that as a mark against the game. I mean, I would mute

flying skull obviously

Pretty sad I dont know what FFS means...

Flame war in 3,2,1...

I want to say that the biggest bottleneck is forcing the millions of players into the same chokepoint, the first few "tutorial" missions. I tried when I got home yesterday around 3pm EST and nothing was happening. Then on my first try around 8pm EST it worked. My friends got stuck 2 or 3 times then they also got

Now those shameless trophy addicts will be able to hide their Hannah Montana Platinums. I would have preferred it to stay as a permanent mark of shame.

How to not mirror valves success as a digital media distribution service. A step by step guide, by Dr. Suess

SimCity? More like SimShitty!

How about the hands-down, absolute best Halloween movie ever made, Mike Dougherty's Trick 'r Treat.

I'm sure many of you have seen this by now, thanks to endless showings on Fearnet during the holiday, but for anyone who hasn't seen it, get it immediately. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

I love it. I also liked the prequel, to be honest.

Booyah! My all time favorite.

You only posted 2 out of the 4 QR codes.

No, one of the guys lost this question, thinking Ben used to be Batman. Unable to cope with his loss, he made it so... He. Made. It. So.

Clooney himself even admitted he was in no position to comment on Affleck's casting as Batman because he had destroyed the role so badly himself.

Combine, half-life 3 confirmed.

I bet the executives over at Warner Bros. were playing Trivia Pursuit when they decided to call Affleck.

Oh that's easy, George Clooney! Because there's never been a Batman movie with George Clooney. It never happened.

Keep in mind that the act of distillation also creates felonies.