
Funny, because I want them to put in a bid to work on a Dragon Age Origins 2.

I'm surprised (well, not really...) that they didn't get the reference to that one. But I am sure a lot got the Armstrong one.

"Grosser elements"? What grosser elements?

Sleeping Dogs did a lot of little things to improve on the formula that both could learn from.

Ha, well, the PC version will also fix the aiming, won't it?

He won't be missing out, he'll be able to get it when it has that 'GOTY' right on the cover xD

It's my firm belief that people that don't love this movie are dead inside.

you get penalized if you hit the horse.

Now playing

Whenever I hear Jousting, I con only think of this:

It's funny because you said "healthy" next to Doritos and Mountain Dew, lol.

Brilliant. Although, arguably not as inspired as the Super Saiyan French Fries they released as part of their promotional campaign for Battle of Gods.

I'm praying for a North American release...

Oh my god, this is perfect.

looks like microtransactions for the upcoming free online game attached to Grand Theft Auto V.

This is stupid. I can understand the lack of HDD space might cause some problems, but to be so widespread... I think the 360 has finally met it's match in processing power. The original PS3 is running it perfectly fine, due to it's slightly stronger hardware.

Now you both need to race to the bottom.

I'm just going to put this here. From the CAH deck, and posted on the internet. Hypocritical much?

What's the first ingredient in Code Red? YOU MONSTER!

ah, but if they ever walked in a game of Arkham Horror, Elder Sign, or Mansions of I think, nope, I KNOW I would want to be there and see it.

Talk show host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, speaking on Fox & Friends following the horrific shooting in Washington, D.C. yesterday, suggested that people who play video games should be monitored.