Nubian Queen

There are some men I work with who think they can hug people to say “hi”. Nah, I stick out my hand and back away “There’s no hugging at work”, don’t touch me. I would never think to hug someone I wasn’t close with or touch them, you have to wonder sometimes what in the hell is wrong with people.

Yep-that sums it up. Don’t touch me unless you’re ready to meet your maker. Love MJB.

This reminds me of my own source of rage and anger that developed from my own cases of sexual assault. One thing that I’ve noticed was how my anger and rage made people feel uncomfortable. I’ve noticed it with other women as well. Take for instance, Rose McGowen. Yes, she does earn plenty of side-eyes. But, in regards

Thank you for explaining that perfectly, as survivor of childhood abuse you brought tears to my eyes. Dear God we all need to talk bout this more. You articulated what I could never say.

She’s got Michelle Obama’s arms, doesn’t she?

This pic is EVERYTHING!!! her hair, her arms, that dress! I’d be jealous if i wasn’t such a huge fan :-)

She is RADIANT. I love her.


Listen, I know this article is about my boy Denzel, but can we discuss Viola’s Angela Davis-level Afro? Because OH MY GOD IT’S MAGNIFICENT

Denzel looks like he’s tired of placating these White caters by nibbling on aggressively unseasoned food. Pauletta tell the assistant to run to Jack in the Box and get me a number 2.

I keep thinking he’s looking old for a role, but nah. Damn. 63! If Denzel is 63, Morgan Freeman must be at least 115, 116.

I would love to see their faces as they are backing away too. Priceless...

“by the time I got to the music business it was like, ‘Don’t touch me or I’ll kill you’.”

Ever heard of the serenity prayer?

These have been a godsend. I wish someone had told me about them before.

Hey, you’re absolutely right. I was an unnecessary asshole in my comment. I’m not going to make excuses for it, and I think it’s appropriate that you called me out. The world is already too full of shitty people, and I optimistically think that I’m not one, but I can recognize when I behave poorly, so I apologize.

Next time you get an inconvenient medical problem that interferes with your life and causes you pain, please remind yourself you’re being self-obsessed and shallow to ask for help. This is right up there with ingrown toenails, snoring, athletes foot, halitosis, erectile dysfunction, headaches. Are you gonna die? No.

The comments from people offended by this post are better than this post. (Not that the post is bad. I have hemorrhoids and while I’ve never attempted anal, I’ve certainly wondered.)

I’ve been a longtime follower of lifehacker, and this is enough for me. I absolutely do not wish to see such degenerate “advice” in my news feed. Good luck and good riddance, I’m out.

The problem is, yes, you are talking about them. You are also talking about me. You’re also talking about pretty much every dude. We are ALL complicit. You could be a eunuch and still be able to say or do some out of the way shit. You have no excuse in that regard. Some of it could, arguably, come from ignorance when