Nubian Queen

I see your point about Ms. Clemons and her friend. If they indeed did yell threats and profanities after being asked to leave, then leaving and coming back to threaten employees and yell obscenities at them, they brought in on themselves. As far as the cops’ behavior, they took it too far. In the video the woman is on

I had never heard about this case. No doubt there are hundreds more. We had no rights in the south, so unspeakable horrors were done to our people, which are now buried, and may never be mentioned because it was so long ago, and many of the people from that era are deceased.

Agree with you 100%. Ironically, I was just today thinking that DT will get reelected. Maybe that insight came from watching the “Vietnam War” series all weekend. My insights are usually 100%, and I am glad to read some of the comments from other women so that I know I’m not too far off the mark. This is so

Yes, glad to see this! Many older black women have been fed up for a long time also! You are correct when you say no one has been paying attention to our complaints. Whenever we voice our opinion we are accused of being the “angry black woman” by whites, and sometimes by our own men! But that is another, deeper story

Thank you! Found it and sharing!

He might have a coronary!