Nubian Queen

Farrakhan didn’t speak. Everyone on the stage was someone approved by Aretha Franklin and the family. He wouldn’t of been there if she didn’t want him there at her homegoing. Now... If Farrakhan would of got up and snatched the mic to say some homophobic, anti-semetic, misogynist foolery, then yes I would of been mad.

It’s not just black funerals. It’s all funerals, weddimgs, cookouts... it’s just a more obvious mess sometimes than others. 

Now playing

I feel it is up to individuals to figure out their “beliefs” whether it is atheism. My family is a mixture of faiths, but my peeps in FL are straight Sanctified. I have deep childhood memories of being trapped in sweltering churches in summertime Florida. I remember being frustrated that I had little understanding of

Agree 100%. Also grateful to see the words “rape culture” come out of the mouth of a man. We need that. We shouldn’t, but we do.

Eulogy attacking black women and how problematic it is could be a thesis. Williams’ wouldn’t be half the pastor he is without the women in his congregation. Starting from the first lady, to the church mothers, to the church secretary and office workers in a mega church, to the ushers, to the choir, praise dancers, the

I’m on the WC, and I called my parents on the EC to make sure they knew how to stream it. Mind you I happened to wake up at 7:45 AM and folks were flowing into the church and called them at 10:30 AM. My mom was like let’s watch this together. Since she raised me on Aretha, I could not say no, so she put me on the

Ugh! This type of shit is why I stopped going to church. Too many damn pimps in the pulpit.

To expound on points 5, 8 and 9 (optics of black church strong on lecherous, decrepit male leadership and short on male soldiers in the Lord’s army in the pews; professionalism and punctiliousness of gospel artist performers; Chernobyl toxic eulogy by Rev. Jasper Williams)....

Of course, I’m not saying that Ariana Grande shouldn’t have had so many people upset for her. Just that black women and girls should get it, too.”

This Jasper-ass ‘n’egro Jasper Wms, Jr. is just taking some ‘ol “master sent me down her to give ya’ll a message” bull!!!  This was soooo good.

I don’t think any of it’s hilarious; I think all of it’s tragic -- but then I’m all the time being told I’m “too serious”.

I mean, those exact words aren’t found in scripture, but the Bible is full of Jesus and his disciples basically screaming “DONT FUCK WITH THEM PEOPLES OVER THERE, THEYRE FUCKING SELL OUTS!”. They were just nicer about it.

or Trump for thinking the opinion of these pinky ring-wearing crooks matters to the majority of black people?

And that they literally cannot function without proximity to whiteness and patriarchy and power. Like, you move them 25 feet away from them and they become more and more useless, like a Comcast remote separated from its modem.

What’s more hilarious: these shufflin’ preachers kissing Trump’s ring/ass thinking they’re going to get something from the man who regularly stiffs people who work for him, or Trump for thinking the opinion of these pinky ring-wearing crooks matters to the majority of black people?

The good news is that many southern states are allowing guns in bars. So now there will be a drunk good guy with a gun to take out the drunk bad guy with a gun.

But let’s not forget the man who gave his life in opposition of that.

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”