It’s like a child, if you scold for bad behaviour but say nothing for expected/normal sooner or later they will do the bad for the attention or do so in a way to hide it. I’m not saying give him a medal, just an Atta Boy! pat on the head.
It’s like a child, if you scold for bad behaviour but say nothing for expected/normal sooner or later they will do the bad for the attention or do so in a way to hide it. I’m not saying give him a medal, just an Atta Boy! pat on the head.
Also that’s some red-line level stuff right there. Even my most entitled, needy, energy-sucking relatives (because I’m not putting up with that from someone whom I call a friend) don’t call the police when I’m like “I don’t have time for you to lean on me and try to drain all the energy I need in order to live my life…
Nah. Cops not murdering and brutalizing everyone and anyone in their path is exactly their job. To recognize restraint and logic as something special just feeds into the notion that these assholes have the right to be death-dealing, invincible street gods. Police *are* the enemy when they wield power over life and…
Funny, I’ve been dealing with depression quite a while and never felt the need to call the police on my neighbors. (I did, however, need to call them for myself one time when I was feeling suicidal and needed psychiatric care.)
All jokes aside, there needs to be a moment of thanks for the patience and sanity of the cop in this instance. He was able to calmly hear all sides of the issue and figure out based on the earlier reports and those he got with the interaction with Poolside Petty Patty what the correct course of action that was…
There’s a lot of that going around WypipoTown. I had to tell a woman in one of our own communities here that she didn’t get to complain about her Trump-supporting relatives to me when I’d already asked her nicely to stop ... and then when she still wouldn’t stop (much like Debbie here) I kinda sorta let her know she…
Pouty Poolside Patty wasn’t content to ruin their mood by forcing an interaction, she had to call the cops on top of it! White entitlement is baffling.
I know it was rhetorical, but.
Whenever I want to get a pulse on whether racism is alive and well in this country, I head over to the comments section of They never fail to disappoint. They also serve to validate why I will never move to Alabama under any circumstances.
“using profanities”, “disorderly conduct” blah blah blah...there are a million ways to justify state violence against the black body, choose one.. as if we’ve never been here before.
Two witnesses Black; all witnesses smelled alcohol on them.
you asking the important questions bruh.
so are the cops saying that everything that happened before justified the 3 cops taking that lady down like that?
Applying to 10-20 schools is a problem, but mostly because it is an expensive and time-intensive process that favors upper income families who have the funds and vacation time to craft targeted applications and make campus visits. Poor kids and their parents rarely have the resources to apply that extensively. But,…
If I didn’t have to worry about application fees, I would have applied to 20 schools too when I was in HS. Why not??????????
Mediocre white kids, and parents of mediocre white kids.
They mad because he did what white kids are taught to do; apply to safety schools and reach schools in your geographic area and also apply to schools that fit that criteria nationally.