There is a big problem when black women aren’t gung ho for democrats. The house is on fire.
There is a big problem when black women aren’t gung ho for democrats. The house is on fire.
So I’m guessing there’s gonna be more black women at the next DSA meeting? I now have a reason to floss through that joint.
Do they not consider that these black women maybe have a reason to be angry?
All over every FB political justice page too. And at the women’s march the Black women who attended “seemed too angry”.
An ongoing frustration is the (long-standing) movement of white liberals pushing back against Black women for this very sentiment. I have seen it all over Kinja and growing in most recent months. Go into any post about politics and you will see the onslaught of white people lining up to tell a Black woman that she is…
Ross Douthat has a bizarre column in the NYT from a week or two ago in which he argues for reparations. In a very limited sense, naturally.
“The university has promised to give the descendants preferential admissions status to the school.” Um, No. Reparations checks would be a start. Not every descendent would want to attend a school with deep ties to the enslavement of their ancestors anyways.
There was a two-part episode on the New Orleans history podcast a little while back the sale of enslaved persons by Georgetown. Each episode is about 10 minutes long, and it’s a good companion piece if people are curious about learning more. Tripod: New Orleans at 300
Yeah, but there is a clear and direct effect between slavery and the lot of African Americans in this country. We were here since the beginning and have been systematically and systemically disenfranchised by our government. It is only right.
I’m going with some of them just having no idea how this works, & the rest being desperate to be “fame” adjacent. They’d have to be dumber than dumb, to take “shady money” from Dump, or anyone around him, bc doing so would be volunteering to serve as a future fall guy & distraction, when everything really starts…
Plus, it’s not like this is anything is new. Trump’s been calling people to his office (Kanye, MLK Jr.’s son, etc.) and using them for photo ops for months now. Everyone that leaves thinks they made a difference, because Trump’s a con man and made them believe so. Instead, he used them for cred. Yeah, they all got…
I saw that picture and figured those were the only folks who stood to profit off off whatever bullshit Trump was peddling in the name of HBCUs. I figured they all knew they were there for the PR, but didn’t give a shit because they personally stood to gain from it. If they aren’t even making shady $$ off of this, then…
Gots to agree. Lots of people were scammed over the past year-and-a-half, and hope springs eternal, and stuff, but all of us have got to remember that this guy sees every experience of his life as a dominance activity. If he’s going to get a bunch of HBCU Presidents to show up without giving them anything in…
OUCH! That clip was powerful. Seeing it and seeing how young those guys look also reminds me that time has flown.
Ok. They got played. But when do WE take responsibility for the sorry state of OUR instituions? How much did we pay in terms of tuition to these colleges? Or do we strive to go Haavard, Yale or whatever HWCU’s we’ve been told was superior? We’ve come to believe that wypipple’s ice is colder and their water wetter. So…
I know. I know. That is my inclination too and I think that is why I am not suited to any of these kinds of jobs. He (Trump) is truly a horrible and awful human being and I know that dollars to donughts this is an opportunity for him to co-opt me in his racial photo-op circus. But I wonder if someone who runs a public…
I wonder how the invitation should have been handled? Does one actually go into the lion’s den and hope that he actually benefits rather than mauls you? What do you do when you are there and when you leave? Do you refuse the picture? Do you say something like “We are glad to meet with the President of the United…
Morehouse College President John Wilson, Jr. issued a statement today admitting that over 100 HBCU Presidents went to the White House and all they got was a lousy Instagram photo.
Nope. He’s making profits as executive producer. The malignant narcissist in chief will find a way to show that he was the one who turned it around and brag about how much money it’s making him
45 cares more about his “show” than the fucking country. He’s busy running his businesses while 45 2.0 (Bannon) runs shit in the Oval Office.