
I voted for Sanders in the primary but, despite all Clinton’s flaws, that open SC seat was the number one reason why I voted for her in the election rather than throw away my vote in “protest” or, worse, vote for president dumbass. So glad the baby boomers - including my mom - are leaving behind this mess for the rest

They head to the test room where, in one of the season’s best episodes, we had watched Logan test host versions of Delos, illustrating the cognitive plateau problem.

ICE just shouldn’t have an armed police force. It should be an bureaucratic agency that has to request the state or local police to detain/arrest a person of interest. (State for capital offenders; local for minor ones with local being free to decline the request.)

and talked about building hotels and condos along North Korean beaches.

What a great warm-up act for someone who is undoubtedly on his way to Singapore to get us into a nuclear war with North Korea.

I’ve purchased two Teslas, both via Tesla’s website. Each time, I found myself wondering why I kept getting contacted by both a sales associate and a delivery specialist. They had already made the sale off me so I was confused why someone from sales kept contacting me and, worse, seemed to try and inject themselves in

So much this! I switched to ESDF years ago for WoW to free up extra keybindings and haven’t looked back. My only complaint is it gets kind of tiresome having to remap every game since they all standardize on WASD but I can’t go back. Of course, there are also games that, even though you remap, still use WASD in some

I don’t think I’ve seen a Playboy or Hustler magazine since the late 90s. Granted, it’s not like I go looking for them either but where the fuck does this woman go grocery shopping?

As a Rangers fan, I can assure you that these are the actual 2018 Texas Rangers in all their glory. Some other highlights of the night included a .163 hitter batting 5th - I’d love to know what kind of dirt Rua has on Bannister or John Daniels - and DeShields completely whiffing on a ground ball in the outfield that

I’ve been embarrassed that jackass is the governor of the state I live in since 2014. He and our dipshit lieutenant governor seem to have this constant competition to see who can do or say the stupidest shit and, at this point, I’m not really sure which one is winning.

I keep reading that as “Bebe St”, which... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah, I don’t think being a single parent to a teenage son was part of her plans for life but, as far as moms go, I could’ve done a lot worse. Of course, if I’m being completely honest, as far as sons go, she could’ve done a lot worse too. ;)

Ah yes, I remember “gangster” rap being the worst-thing-for-your-kids during that time. My mom put a surprising amount of trust in me at a young age; I also remember her brushing off our cleaning lady’s freakout - the lady was a pretty devout Christian - about me owning Marilyn Manson’s Portrait of an American Family.

I haven’t watched this movie in a while but I still love it despite all its warts. (Fun fact: I own this on DVD but it’s a DVD from the time when the technology was still a brand new thing so they had to put the movie on both sides of the disc.) But, after taking this trip down memory lane, I’ll never understand how

Please don’t ever start a headline with “Trump Just Exposed”. I nearly had a seizure.

This basically just sums up this entire administration.

Only on the outside. I bet on the inside he’s a roiling inferno.

That’s certainly true and, while something like a serial bomber targeting Austin was most likely inevitable, it’s hard for me not to lay some fault for what’s happening at the feet of the current president. It’s no secret hate crimes have gone up in the year plus since he became president and I get the feeling that,

So since you just admitted that these latest victims are white, doesn’t that go against your first post in this thread that all the victims are minorities? I honestly have no idea what your angle is here; those of us that, you know, fucking live here have been kept well informed of what’s going on starting as soon as

You know who else releases batshit crazy propaganda like this? ISIS. And they’re a terrorist organization. Remind me again why the NRA isn’t labeled as such itself?