
Yeah, maybe you should re-read my initial post and point to me where I said it was all the Bernie Bros fault. It’s a piece of the puzzle. Just like her emails. And just like the bullshit Electoral College.

I don’t know about you but I don’t think I’d want to make allies out of people who might still bristle at having it pointed out that they should’ve just sucked it up and voted for Clinton in spite of their nominee being screwed out of the nomination, regardless of whatever tangible or non-tangible impact their choice h

Of course it’s a sham. I said as much when Dr. Ford’s allegations first came out: it ultimately won’t matter. I couldn’t help but role my eyes yesterday when news outlets hyperventilated over Collins and Murkowski calling out Dotard’s attack on Dr. Ford at his Tuesday night rally. As if them saying they disagreed yet

Nobody ever respects those of us that take the easy way out.

Pretty sure he left out the qualifying “if you’re not a white man” part of that sentence.

I believe she’s full of shit. Fuck off, Susan.

You and me both. At this point, I’m pretty sure my brain is physically incapable of comprehending how incredibly stupid this man is.

I seriously don’t understand how it’s possible that pretty much every day he proves himself stupider than I thought he was the day before. Eventually there has to be some bottom to this sinkhole of idiocy, right?

It’s wrong that all I can do is look at this story and resign myself to the fact that it won’t matter. Kavanaugh is getting confirmed no matter what but it especially won’t matter because of who’s sitting in the White House. If the Grand Ol’ Pricks in Congress are fine with Chief Pussy-grabber then do you really think

It’s so difficult to read Melania’s face.

Really trying not to get my hopes up for November after the gut punch that was 11-8-16 but if the Dems get control of either chamber (or both somehow), their first move better be to start working towards impeaching this fucking clown. What a disgrace and embarrassment.

Then in 2011, a year before leaving office, Kyl set his sights on wildly maligning Planned Parenthood, publicly claiming that abortions constitute “well over 90 percent” of the organization’s services. Later, his staff explained this heinous lie away by saying it was “not intended to be a factual statement.” Kyl

Well, looks like it’s time to start arming journalists with assault rifles and RPGs. It’s the only sensible way to keep this situation from de-escalating.

I’m kind of conflicted. As much as I loathe this administration and the Republican Party in general, if they want to give me the opportunity to live on a different planet, I’m all for it. In fact, I’d say I’ve been all for moving to a different planet every day since 11/8/2016.

In a just world, Clinton would be president but the collusion investigation would’ve still occurred in order to understand how a foreign power nearly convinced this country to elect a buffoon and the events of yesterday would be more than enough to arrest said buffoon and lock him away for years.

It gets worse if you teach your sim the Mixology skill. I had one that I maxed the skill on and literally every time I left her alone, she’d go off to make a drink and then drink it. I got so tired of micromanaging her that I tried to find a mod to stop her obsession but never really found anything foolproof.

“Look, we elected one black president after more than 200 years of white ones. That’s how generous and tolerant we are as a country! What more do you damn libs want?”

On my list of people-I’d-love-to-punch-in-the-face, Miller is actually above Paul Ryan, which is a difficult feat to achieve. He’s still below that fetid sack of shit sitting in the White House and Mitch McConnell, though.

If he knew, that would certainly explain why he was the one who dictated that lame-ass denial his son put out when the original story first broke. He wasn’t trying to save his son; he was trying to save his own ass, which is pretty much typical of him.

I voted for Sanders in the primary but, despite all Clinton’s flaws, that open SC seat was the number one reason why I voted for her in the election rather than throw away my vote in “protest” or, worse, vote for president dumbass. So glad the baby boomers - including my mom - are leaving behind this mess for the rest